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为做好我部跨昼夜飞行的卫生保障,我们采取了以下措施:①加强航空卫生宣传教育,结合当地跨昼夜飞行的环境特点及其对人体的影响,对飞行员进行细致的航空卫生知识教育。②实施“跨昼夜”体育锻炼。安排飞行员在接近黄昏时进行短距离速跑、篮球等运动项目,调动他们在这段时间的中枢兴奋水平和生理机能,增强对生活制度改变和环境变化的适应性。③组织“跨昼夜”外场实习。建议飞行员日落 In order to do a good job in safeguarding the health of our ministry flying across the night and day, we have taken the following measures: ① We have stepped up publicity and education on aviation hygiene and conducted detailed aeronautical and hygiene knowledge education for pilots in light of the local environmental characteristics of day and night flight and its impact on human beings. ② implementation of “cross day and night” physical exercise. Arrange pilots to run dash short distances, basketball and other sports activities as they approach dusk, mobilize their central excitement and physiology during this time, and enhance their adaptability to changing living systems and environmental changes. ③ organization “across the day and night” field internship. Recommended pilot sunset
该文从局域网内部的信息传输方式出发,简要地论述了第三层交换的含义.同时,为 保证局域网安全性及便于管理,对虚拟网技术作了概述.通过一个校园网内的三层 交换机运用和虚拟
该文结合一个在线电子银行系统的开发和应用,介绍了利用JAVA和CORBA 两种技术创建新型WEB应用的方法和步骤.
该文阐述了代理服务器在网络系统安全与缓解IP地址需求方面的作用,并介绍了 不同操作系统下的代理服务器软件.“,”This paper introduces the important place of Proxy ser
该文主要讨论用NIS技术和NFS技术,对UNIX操作系统工作站进行管理的方法.“,”This thesis is about the network management of UNIX operating system workstations with NI
该文主要论述代理服务器的用途及工作原理,并结合某学院校园网接入 INTERNET的 网络方案,详细阐述了基于MS PROXY SERVER的网络计费方案和实现方法.“,”This paper discusses proxy servers use and work principle. And base on the network scheme of our institutes CWISa (Campus-Wide Information Systems) connecting to Internet
该文阐述了电磁兼容的概念和形式,重点探讨了计算机的电磁兼容问题,并结合计算机 电磁兼容的检测,具体分析了国家有关电磁兼容检验的强制性标准要求及造成计算机 电磁兼容不