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东方人与高加索人相比,其鼻下半部的皮肤较厚而鼻翼软骨较薄。在矫正唇裂鼻畸形的对称性方面,鼻翼软骨的移动和悬吊最为适用。所以充分提升塌陷的患侧鼻翼软骨且保持在相对稳定的位置是矫正畸形的关键,作者设计和使用了颅骨移植加鼻翼软骨悬吊的方法,共报告30例用该法整复唇裂鼻畸形的东方人病例,年龄19~37岁,效果满意。其手术方法是在患侧鼻孔内设计倒“U”形切口,行软骨和皮下组织之间广泛分离,形成内外两瓣。在鼻背方向的分离,一直到鼻骨下端,并切开骨膜。在骨膜下继续分离,一直达额鼻角水平,形成一个容纳颅骨瓣的嵌入袋。由于这类患者的鼻翼软骨向前方和侧方分离,往往有纤维脂肪组织堆积于两鼻翼软骨 Asians compared with Caucasians, the lower half of the nasal skin thicker and thinner nasal cartilage. In the correction of the symmetry of cleft lip nasal deformity, the movement and suspension of the alar cartilage most applicable. Therefore, to fully improve the collapse of the affected side of the alar cartilage and to maintain a relatively stable position is the key to correct deformity, the authors designed and used skull transplantation and alar cartilage hanging method, a total of 30 cases of nasal deformity cleft lip Oriental cases, aged 19 to 37 years old, with satisfactory results. The surgical approach is to design the inverted “U” shaped incision in the ipsilateral ipsilateral line of extensive separation between the cartilage and subcutaneous tissue, the formation of both internal and external valve. Separation in the direction of the nose until the bottom of the nasal bone, and cut the periosteum. Continued separation under the periosteum, has reached the level of the nose, forming a skull flap to accommodate embedded bags. Because of the alar cartilage of these patients to the front and lateral separation, there are often fibrous fatty tissue accumulation in the two alar cartilage
自1996年以来,我科采用改良式前牙金属翼板粘接桥治疗患者17例,取得较为理想的修复效果。 1 临床资料 1.1 一般情况 本组17例,均为前牙缺失,基牙健康,舌侧有较大面积的釉质
选择22例中年牙周病患者因前牙移位散开而出现间隙,松动度小于Ⅱ度,骨吸 收在根长1/2以内,经牙周治疗控制炎症后行正畸治疗。rn  其中9例仅中切牙唇向移位,“八”字型散开。轻
我们使用锌-氟化氨银凝胶对基牙制备后牙本质过敏患者进行了治疗,取得较好的疗效。rn  1.材料与方法:①选择因基牙预备而致牙本质过敏的患者68例,其中男39例,女29例,年龄28~72岁,
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目的 涎腺局灶性增生为发生于口腔小涎腺的少见病,临床常误诊为良性肿瘤或其他病变,为提高临床病理诊断水平,本文进行了总结。方法 复习628例小涎腺肿瘤及瘤样病变的病理切片