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2000年12月21日,在沪州市江阳艺术宫,省市领导、来宾、全国经销商、集团公司成员单位代表参加了沪州老窖集团有限责任公司的成立大会。集团公司董事局主席、总裁袁秀平先生首先致词。沪州市人民政府市长先开金、中共四川省工委常务副书记严家瑾、沪州市市委韦记李春城分别在成立大会上讲话。沪州老窖是中国酿酒史和中国酒文化的结晶,是传统民族工业的丰碑。组建泸州老窖集团,是实现产业升级实施品牌资产经营,形成低成本扩张,增强市场竞争能力和抗风险能力的必然选择,也是迎接WTO的来临将强势品牌融入国际经济循环,增强国际市场竞争力的有力举措。沪州老窖集团以泸州老窖股份有限公司为核心企业,以沪州老窖生物工程公司等几家股份、控股公司为集团核心层,沪州市商业银行等几家参股公司为紧密层,沪州鑫益实业有限公司等13家企业为集团协作层,构建了完善的分级组织框架,并将逐 On December 21, 2000, at the Jiangyang Art Palace in Shanghai, representatives of provincial and municipal leaders, guests, national distributors, and member companies of the Group Corporation attended the inaugural meeting of Huzhou Laojiao Group Co., Ltd. Chairman of the Board of Directors and President of the Group Corporation, Mr. Yuan Xiuping, delivered the first speech. The mayor of Shanghai Municipal People’s Government, Xian Kaijin, the deputy secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Working Committee of the Communist Party of China, Yan Jiaxuan, and the Municipal Committee of Shanghai Municipality, Hui Ji and Li Chuncheng respectively addressed the inaugural meeting. Shanghai Laojiao is the crystallization of Chinese wine history and Chinese wine culture. It is a monument of traditional national industry. The establishment of Luzhou Laojiao Group is an inevitable choice to achieve industrial upgrading and implementation of brand asset management, form a low-cost expansion, enhance market competitiveness and resistance to risk, and is also a welcome approach to WTO to integrate a strong brand into the international economic cycle and enhance the competitiveness of the international market. Powerful measures. Huzhou Laojiao Group takes Luzhou Laojiao Co., Ltd. as the core enterprise, Huzhou Laojiao Biological Engineering Co., Ltd. and several other stocks and holding companies as the core layer of the company, and Huzhou City Commercial Bank and other joint-stock companies as the close layers. 13 companies such as Huzhou Xinyi Industrial Co., Ltd. are the group cooperation layer and have established a perfect hierarchical organization framework.
汽车产业是我省的支柱产业。 面对入世,对汽车产业的前景反应各异。有人悲观:“国内汽车厂家将被打得稀里哗啦,毫无还手之力”;有人则信心十足:机遇大于挑战。我们的基本判断是:入
乌兹别克斯坦继续用苏联解体后国内剩下的那点金矿储量吸引外国投资者。例如,英国的 Oxus Resources Corporation公司希望投入5 000万美元用于开发阿曼塔套(АманТай
河南省人民政府令第 6 3号  《河南省水利工程供水价格管理办法》已经 2 0 0 1年 11月 2 3日省政府第 130次常务会议审议通过 ,现予公布 ,自 2 0 0 2年 3月 1日起施行。省
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