
来源 :数理医药学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luote51499
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本文采用标化减寿比(SLLR)和标化减寿率比(SRR)分析了饮用东湖水源自来水人群恶性肿瘤死亡的前瞻性群组研究资料,结果表明:暴露组1—75岁男性和女性恶性肿瘤死亡与对照组比较差别均有高度显著性,即恶性肿瘤死亡危险度增加与饮用水有机污染有一定联系。这与各群组年龄标化死亡率比较的结果基本一致。笔者认为对于恶性肿瘤这类以中年组段为发病和死亡高峰的疾病,这是一种较为敏感的分析方法。 In this study, the prospective cohort study data of malignant neoplasm death in drinking water derived from Donghu water were analyzed using the standardized SLRT and SRR. The results showed that the exposure group was 1-75 years old males and females. The difference between malignant tumor death and the control group was highly significant, that is, the increased risk of death from malignant tumors was related to the organic pollution of drinking water. This is basically the same as the comparison of age-standardized mortality in each group. The author believes that this is a more sensitive analysis method for diseases such as malignant tumors, where the middle-aged group is the peak of onset and death.
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本文介绍了我国客运交通发展情况,分析我国客运交通发展中遇到的能源供应、环境污染以及城市拥堵等问题,提出适合我国国情的客运交通发展战略。 This paper introduces the