大连港位于辽宁省辽东半岛的南端,是东北三省和内蒙古东部地区的进出口门户,也是联结华北、华中、华东等地区水陆联运的枢纽。 1995年底,大连港有陆域面积8平方公里,水域面积346平方公里;码头泊位65个,长度为11981米,最大靠泊能力为10万吨级;库场面积136.4万平方米;装卸机械1041台辆(以上均不含货主及地方码头)。 1995年大连港完成货物吞吐量6416.8万吨。其中:外贸3118万吨,集装箱37.4万TEU;本港吞吐量完成5102.4万吨,占全港吞吐量的79.5%;石油、粮食、金属矿石、钢铁、煤炭等前5位大宗货物完成5457万吨,占全港吞吐量的85%; 完成旅客吞吐量509.1万人次,其中本港完成456.7万人次,占全港旅客吞吐量的89.7%。
Located at the southern tip of Liaodong Peninsula in Liaoning Province, Dalian Port is the gateway for the import and export of the three northeastern provinces and the eastern part of Inner Mongolia. It is also the hub for the inter-continental transport of water and land in North China, Central China and East China. At the end of 1995, Dalian Port had a land area of 8 km2 and a water area of 346 km2. There were 65 berths with a length of 11981 meters and a maximum berthing capacity of 100,000 tons. The warehouse area was 1,364,000 square meters. Loading and unloading machinery 1041 Taiwan (more than the owner and the local terminal). In 1995, Dalian Port completed 64,168,000 tons of cargo throughput. Of the total, 31.18 million tons of foreign trade and 374,000 TEUs of containers were handled. The throughput of Hong Kong reached 51.024 million tons, accounting for 79.5% of the total throughput in the country. The top 5 bulk cargoes including oil, grain, metal ore, steel and coal completed 54.57 million tons, Accounting for 85% of the throughput in Hong Kong. It completed a total of 5,091,000 passengers, of which 4,567,000 were completed in Hong Kong, accounting for 89.7% of the total passenger throughput in Hong Kong.