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桔梗商品以“根直条形,色白、体坚、断面中间淡黄色、长14cm以上,味甘苦、无分枝(叉)者为佳”,但在人工栽培的桔梗中,分叉现象又较为严重,这不仅降低了桔梗商品的规格质量,还增大了在收获期人工刮皮的劳动量。桔梗是根系入土深、生长快的植物,在生长发育中其根如遇到土层浅、土质松紧不均,或根系向下垂直伸展时遇到了砂礓、石块等硬物,其主根延深受到阻拦、障碍时,则根系的生长中心必然转向侧根,逼得侧根 Campanulaceae commodities to “root straight bar, color white, solid body, section of the middle of light yellow, longer than 14cm, sweet bitter, no branch (fork) is better,” but in cultivated Campanulaceae, bifurcation and more Seriously, this not only reduces the quality of the specifications of Campanulaceae commodities, but also increases the amount of work done by manual skin scraping during the harvest period. Campanulaceae is a root system deep into the soil, fast growing plants, growth and development of their roots such as encountered shallow soil, uneven soil elastic, or vertical downward extension of the roots encountered sand 礓, stones and other hard objects, the main root extension By blocking, obstacles, then the growth of the root of the inevitable shift to the lateral roots, forcing lateral roots