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紧密团结在以习近平同志为总书记的党中央周围,认真落实中央和省委、省政府各项决策部署,齐心协力、奋发有为,凝聚全省力量如期打赢这场脱贫攻坚战,为我省率先全面建成小康社会、实现“三个定位、两个率先”目标作出更大贡献!当前,打赢脱贫攻坚战的目标任务已经明确,关键在于狠抓落实。各地各有关部门要把脱贫攻坚作为“十三五”期间头等大事和第一民生工程来抓,层层压实责任,级级传导压力,确保责任到位、人员到位、项目到位、措施到位、政策到位、资金到位。要强化督 To closely unite around the party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as general secretary, conscientiously implement the policy-making and arrangements of the Central Government, provincial Party committees and provincial governments, make concerted efforts and work hard to unite the efforts of the entire province to win this off-poverty war as scheduled and serve our province Take the lead in building a well-off society in an all-round manner and make greater contributions to the goal of “three positions and two firsts.” At present, the goal and task of winning the battle against poverty has been clearly defined and the key lies in its implementation. Relevant departments of all localities should regard tackling the problem of poverty as the top priority and the first livelihood project during the “13th Five-Year Plan” period, and carry out various levels of responsibility and pressure transmission at the grade level to ensure that responsibility is in place, personnel are in place, projects are in place and measures are in place Policy in place, funding in place. To strengthen the supervision
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采用液接法制备Zn/Cu_xTi_y扩散偶,利用SEM和EDS等对扩散偶在663 K保温不同时间后的反应区进行分析.结果表明,除Zn/Cu Ti_2和Zn/CuTi体系以外,其它5个扩散反应体系能够形成周