
来源 :空军政治学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:udbnny
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用上党课的形式来教育党员,是各级党组织加强党的领导,提高党员思想觉悟,增强党性的基本方法。最近笔者和一些党员进行了座谈,并参加了一些部队和院校组织的党员干部讲党课比赛,听了之后觉得,似乎与政治教育或一般学习辅导课差不多,内容相似,要求相同。一些党员出也感到同其它教育课是一样的,内容重复,听来乏味。笔者认为,上党课的人没有抓住党课的特点是其主要原因。其实党课与其它课相比,有其自身显著的特点: 一是要有很鲜明的先进性和战斗性 由于中国共产党是无产阶级的先锋队,其党课内容应具有较之一般教育课层次更高的先进性。中国共产党党员是由无产阶级先 To educate party members in the form of attending the party class is the basic method by which party organizations at all levels strengthen the party’s leadership, raise the awareness of party members and enhance party spirit. Recently, the author held discussions with some party members and participated in party matches conducted by party members and cadres organized by some units and institutions. Upon hearing this, they felt that they seemed similar to political education or general learning guidance courses with similar content and same requirements. Some party members feel they feel the same as other education classes, repeating their content and sound boring. The author believes that the main reason why the people in the upper class fail to grasp the characteristics of the party class. In fact, compared with other courses, the Party has its own salient features: First, there must be a distinctive advanced nature and combat effectiveness. As the Communist Party of China is the vanguard of the proletariat, its party contents should have a higher level than the general education Advanced nature Chinese Communist Party members are proletarian first
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