
来源 :岭南皮肤性病科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yezilei311
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患者男,61岁,渔民,住院号065167。因泛发性红斑4月余、进行性吞咽困难伴肌无力、消瘦二月余入院。患者今年六月份曾因面部、项背部等处皮肤发红二个月首次来我院皮肤科就诊,当时检查发现面部、上胸“V”形区、双季肋部、项背部、上臂等处散布暗红色斑片,但眼周无水肿性紫红斑,四肢肌肉无压痛,活动正常,内科情况无特殊,血常规、尿常规、肝功能、抗“O”、血沉、ANA等化验结果均属正常范围。钡餐透视提示胃炎,拟诊①多形性日光疹、②结缔组织病待排除,给予强的松每日30毫克、维生素E、B等口服药一周量并嘱定期观察。近二月来,患者出现进行性吞咽困难,偶有返酸嗳气,此外二月来逐渐感到走路时下肢易酸软无力并逐渐消瘦,再次到我院就诊,经钡餐及纤镜检查诊断为贲门腺癌入院治疗。 Male patient, 61 years old, fisherman, hospital number 065167. Due to generalized erythema more than 4 months, progressive dysphagia with weakness, weight loss more than February admission. Patients in June this year, for the first time since the face, neck and other skin redness two months to our hospital dermatology clinic was found to check the face, upper chest “V” shaped area, double ribs, the back, upper arm and so on Diffuse dark red patches, but no edema in the eyes of erythema, limb tenderness tenderness, normal activities, no special medical conditions, blood, urine, liver function, anti-O, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, ANA and other test results are normal range. Barium meal perspective suggestive of gastritis, suspected ① pleomorphic solar eruption, ② connective tissue disease to be excluded, giving prednisone 30 mg daily, vitamin E, B and other oral medication for a week and ordered regular observation. Nearly two months, patients with progressive dysphagia, occasional acid reflux, in addition to gradually feel in February when walking lower limbs were weak and gradually wasting, once again to our hospital, the barium meal and fiberoptic diagnosis of cardia gland Cancer hospitalization treatment.
The structures and hydrogen storage properties of sodium atoms decorated B6clusters are investigated by the B3LYP method with a 6-311+G(d,p)basis set.For NamB6(