江西省兴国县平川中学高一(2)班的学生将义务照顾孤寡老人的活动届届相传。22 年来,先后有1430名学生举起了这支爱心接力棒。今天,面对越来越繁重的学业,高一 (2)班的学生没有丝毫犹豫,仍然高举着这支温暖的——爱心接力,延续了22年今年的元宵节正是中小学开学的日子,兴国平川中学高一(2) 班的李明、张学等4名同学一报完名,就迫不及待地来到潋江镇洪门村双目失明的孤寡老人陈仁光家,给他送来了元宵和果品。接着大家就屋里屋外地忙碌起来, 搞完卫生大家又围在老人身边说说笑笑,寂寞的屋子霎时充满欢乐,孤独的老人脸上绽开了笑容。
Students in the Grade One (2) class of Pingchuan Middle School in Xingguo County, Jiangxi Province will be responsible for the care of the widowed old people. In 22 years, 1,430 students have raised this love relay baton. Today, in the face of more and more arduous studies, students in Grade One (2) classes did not hesitate. They still held this warm, love relay, and continued for 22 years. This year’s Lantern Festival is where primary and secondary schools begin. After classmates Li Ming and Zhang Xue of Xingyi Pingchuan Middle School Gaoyi (2) completed their names, they could not wait to come to the home of Chen Renguang, a blind and blind old man in Hongmen Village of Qijiang Town. Lanterns and fruits. Then everyone went bustling outside the house. After they had finished the hygienic process, everyone laughed around the old man. The lonely house was full of joy, and the lonely old man’s face was smiling.