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党风决定政风,政风影响民风。党风政风民风好,对一个地区的经济社会发展至关重要。近年来,河南省立足省情,提出发展强省、廉洁兴省、稳定护省的战略思路,着力推进列入国家“十二五规划纲要”和全国主体功能区规划的中原经济区建设。全省各级纪检监察机关围绕中心任务,以改革创新精神全力推进党风建设各项工作,坚持把以人为本、执政为民贯彻到反腐倡廉的各个方面,以人民群众是否满意为根本标准,从人民群众反映最强烈的问题抓起,从人民群众最不满意的地方改起,从人民群众最盼望的事情做起,以反腐倡廉建设的实际成效取信于民,以优良的党风政风凝聚党心民心,形成了加快经济社会发展的强大合力。 The party style determines the political power and the political power affects the public. The good work style of the party’s governing the country and the people are very important to the economic and social development of a region. In recent years, based on the province’s situation, Henan Province has proposed the strategic thinking of developing a strong province, promoting a clean and hospitable province and protecting the province steadily. It will strive to promote the construction of the Central Plains Economic Zone which is included in the “Twelfth Five-year Plan Outline” and the national main functional zone plan . Discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels around the province focus on the central task of promoting reform in the spirit of reform and making every effort to promote the work of party style construction, adhere to the people-oriented, the ruling for the people in all aspects of fighting corruption and advocating integrity, the people are satisfied with the basic criteria, from The people’s problems, which reflect the strongest problems, are picked up, changed from the most unsatisfactory areas of the people, from the most anticipated things by the masses and from the actual results of the fight against corruption and building a clean government, with the good work style of the party style of government Unite the party, the people and the common people, and form a powerful force for speeding up economic and social development.
未来信息化战争的主要作战样式将是诸军兵种的一体化联合作战,C4ISR系统(即指挥、控制、通信、计算机与情报、监视、侦察系统)是一体化联合作战的核心,各军兵种的武器装备之间实现良好的互联、互通与互操作是一体化联合作战的必然要求和根本保障。  走在信息化建设前列的美军非常重视武器装备之间的互联、互通与互操作,其空军的LINK-16战术数据链可极大增强部队之间的信息联通能力,更为武器装备之间的互联、互通
摘 要: 独立学院是我国新型的本科办学模式,基于其独特的办学特色和学生特点,本文提出了基于英语自主学习中心的合作学习模式,将自主学习与合作学习相结合,以提高学生在听说方面应用英语的实际能力。  关键词: 独立学院 自主学习 合作学习    独立学院是适应我国高等教育发展需要的新兴的本科层次的二级学院。不同于研究型高等院校,独立学院以教学为主、培养应用型人才为目标。由于独立学院的学生与普通本科院校的