精英赛后感 益村谈钓获(上)——2013~2014年度“龙王杯”全国钓鲫精英赛总决赛冠军郑益村访谈

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2014年6月17~19日,2013~2014年度“龙王杯”全国钓鲫精英赛总决赛在成都青白江区龙王垂钓中心隆重举办,6站预选赛入围的总共150名全国有数的竞钓高手,历时三天的大PK,来自浙江湖州的郑益村经过七轮鏖战,从150名全国知名的竞钓高手中脱颖而出,勇夺总决赛最终冠军。本刊记者赛后独家访谈郑益村,披露本次总决赛的关键细节,为广大读者朋友们带来“龙王杯”2013~2014年度全国钓鲫精英赛总决赛冠军的赛后经验总结。 From June 17 to 19, 2014, the finals of the “Dragon King Cup” national fishing crucian carp elite finals were held at the Dragon King Fishing Center in Qingbaijiang District of Chengdu from 2013 to 2014. A total of 150 national competitive finals from 6 qualifiers Master, lasted for three days of PK, from Zhejiang Yi Zhou Yi village after seven rounds of fierce battle, from 150 well-known competition among the best players, won the finals champion. Our reporter exclusive interview after the game Zheng Yi Cun, the disclosure of the key details of the finals for the majority of readers to bring “Dragon King Cup ” 2013 ~ 2014 annual national cruise elite tournament finals champion after the sum of experience .
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