
来源 :河北林业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flame_earth
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河北省木兰围场国有林场管理局位于围场满族蒙古族自治县境内,地处浑善达克沙地南缘的滦河上游地区,属阴山、大兴安岭、燕山余脉的汇接地,海拔750~1998米,总经营面积154万亩,有林地面积120万亩,活立木蓄积434万立方米;森林覆盖率81.5%,成为滦河的主要水源涵养地之一和阻挡浑善达克风沙南袭京津的重要生态安全屏障。近年来,由于退耕还林、天保工程及防风固沙工程的实施,林内可燃物载量越来越多,发生高强度、大面积森林火灾的可能性很大,因此,在木兰林管局建立专业森林扑火队极为重要。2002年秋,在围场县西北大林区的市镇、半截塔镇建立了木兰林管局第一支专业扑火队。林管局根据全局的实际情况选拔队员20名,年龄控制在20—40岁,以退伍军人为主,实行军事化管理,在防火期内集中生活、学习、训练。森林防火专业扑火队隶属于林管局防火指挥部办公 Mulan Weichang, Hebei Province State-owned Forest Farm Authority is located in the Manchurian Mongolian Autonomous County, located in the upper reaches of the Luanhe River in the southern margin of the Hunshandake Sandy Land. It belongs to the junction of Yinshan, Daxinganling Mountains and Yanshan Mountains. The elevation ranges from 750 to 1998 meters, The total operating area of ​​154 mu, an area of ​​1.2 million mu of forest, live trees volume of 4.34 million cubic meters; forest coverage rate of 81.5%, become the Luanhe one of the major water conservation and block Hunshandake winds south of Beijing and Tianjin Important ecological safety barrier. In recent years, due to the implementation of the project of returning farmland to forestry, natural forest protection project and windbreak and sand fixation project, the amount of combustible material in the forest is more and more, so there is a high possibility of high intensity and large area forest fire. Therefore, Forest firefighting team is extremely important. In the autumn of 2002, the first professional firefighting team in Mulan Forest Management Bureau was established in the town of Dalin, northwest of Weichang County. According to the actual situation of the overall situation, the Forestry Commission selected 20 team members and aged 20-40 years old to dominate the military. The militarized management was adopted to concentrate life, study and training during the fire-fighting period. Forest fire professional firefighting team under the command of the Office of the Fire Control Office
2001年实施的化工行业标准《橡胶机械术语》(HG/T3223-2000)是一项基础标准,在制订专业用标准、编写教材和书刊、进行国内外技术交流时被广泛采用。 《橡胶机械术语》(HG/T322
他有两次出人意料、令人不解的选择。 1981年,在部队服役了26年,并在中越自卫还击战中荣立了三等战功的中国人民解放军某部团后勤处处长梁英才即将转业,部队领导为他尽量联
1 浙江丰利粉碎设备有限公司研制成功高效节能HWV旋风磨及CZJ自磨型超微粉碎机中德粉体工程技术的结晶———高效节能HWV旋风磨 ,日前由浙江丰利粉碎设备有限公司和国际著名粉体设备技