Reconstitution of optical orbital angular momentum through strongly scattering media via feedback-ba

来源 :中国光学快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangyananqd
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Orbital angular momentum[OAM]is a fundamental physical characteristic to describe laser fields with a spiral phase struc-ture.Vortex beams carrying OAMs have attracted more and more attention in recent years.However,the wavefront of OAM light would be destroyed when it passes through scattering media.Here,based on the feedback-based wavefront shaping method,we reconstitute OAM wavefronts behind strongly scattering media.The intensity of light with desired OAM states is enhanced to 150 times.This study provides a method to manipulate OAMs of scattered light and is of great significance for OAM optical communication and imaging to overcome complex environment interference.
合理的水下保温措施可防止海底管道内水合物的形成,是水下生产系统流动安全保障须重点考虑的问题.基于所研发的国产水下多相流量计的结构特点,建立了以50.8 mm厚的硅树脂基复合泡沫作为保温层的水下多相流量计保温效果分析模型,分别进行了内部流道介质最高温度(110℃)和最低温度(77℃)2种工况下的稳态及停机5 h的传热仿真分析,结果表明:2种温度工况下无论是稳态还是停机5 h时,水下多相流量计内部介质温度均高于水合物形成的临界温度(11℃),同时水下多相流量计伽马探头处的最高温度也在允许范围内,满足设计要求.
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