Study of CO adsorption on perfect and defective pyrite (100) surfaces by density functional theory

来源 :Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cnreon
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First-principles calculations based on density functional theory (DFT) and the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) have been used to study the adsorption of CO molecule on the perfect and defective FeS 2 (100) surfaces. The defective Fe 2 S(100) surfaces are caused by sulfur deficiencies. Slab geometry and periodic boundary conditions are employed with partial relaxations of atom positions in calculations. Two molecular orientations, Cand O-down, at various distinct sites have been considered. Total energy calculations indicated that no matter on perfect or deficient surfaces, the Fe position is relatively more favored than the S site with the predicted binding energies of 120.8 kJ/mol and 140.8 kJ/mol, respectively. Moreover, CO was found to be bound to Fe atom in vertical configuration. The analysis of density of states and vibrational frequencies before and after adsorption showed clear changes of the C–O bond. First-principles calculations based on density functional theory (DFT) and the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) have been used to study the adsorption of CO molecule on the perfect and defective FeS 2 (100) surfaces. Surfaces caused by sulfur deficiencies. Slab geometry and periodic boundary conditions are employed with partial relaxations of atoms positions in calculations. Two molecular orientations, Cand O-down, at various distinct sites have been considered. Total energy calculations indicated that no matter on perfect or deficient surfaces, the Fe position is more favored than the S site with the predicted binding energies of 120.8 kJ / mol and 140.8 kJ / mol, respectively. Furthermore, CO was found to be bound to Fe atom in vertical configuration. The analysis of density of states and vibrational frequencies before and after adsorption showed clear changes of the C-O bond.
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