
来源 :中国通信 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:breeze_86
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The major advantages of EBS-based key management scheme are its enhanced network survivability, high dynamic performance, and better support for network expansion. But it suffers from the collusion problem, which means it is prone to the cooperative attack of evicted members. A novel EBS-based collusion resistant group management scheme utilizing the construction of Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP-ABE) is proposed. The new scheme satisfies the desired security properties, such as forward secrecy, backward secrecy and collusion secrecy. Compared with existing EBS-based key management scheme, the new scheme can resolve EBS collusion problem completely. Even all evicted members work together, and share their individual piece of information, they could not access to the new group key. In addition, our scheme is more efficient in terms of communication and computation overhead when the group size is large. It can be well controlled even in the case of large-scale application scenarios. The major advantages of EBS-based key management schemes are its enhanced network survivability, high dynamic performance, and better support for network expansion. But it suffers from the collusion problem, which means it is prone to the cooperative attack of evicted members. A novel EBS-based collusion resistant group management scheme utilizing the construction of Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP-ABE) is proposed. The new scheme satisfies the desired security properties, such as forward secrecy, backward secrecy and collusion secrecy. EBS-based key management scheme, the new scheme can resolve EBS collusion problem completely. Even all evicted members work together, and share their individual piece of information, they could not access to the new group key. In addition, our scheme is more efficient in terms of communication and computation overhead when the group size is large. It can be well controlled even in the case of large-scale applicatio n scenarios.
本文主要介绍了具有延时功能的三十二路连续电点火触发装置的设计,该装置利用单片机来控制,可以实现点火时间的严格控制。 This article mainly introduces the design of t
摘 要:我国正处于城市化进程的攻坚时期,大部分农村劳动力,特别是少数民族地区劳动力大量涌入城市建设,留守儿童成了社会普片关注群体,留守儿童的心理健康关乎着社会主义现代化的进程。经过研究分析,农村留守儿童的心理普片存在亚健康甚至是严重心理疾病。  关键词:民族地区 ;留守儿童;心理;健康状况  社会主义现代化建设首先是工业现代化,城市发展成为社会化进程的先头兵。城市建设需要大量劳动力,特别是工程建设
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Compressed sensing(CS)is a new technique of utilizing a priori knowledge on sparsity of data in a certain domain for minimizing necessary number of measurements
摘 要:现今社会中拖延已经逐步升级为困扰青年人精神健康的一大隐性疾病。所有人都很清楚,拖拉是阻碍成功的绊脚石,但它却时常出现在我们左右。  关键词:拖延;deadline;专注  在如今的工作和学习领域,“拖延症”已经已经越来越被人关注,心理学家也把拖延这种现象作为特有的心理现象来研究,哥伦比亚大学组织心理学系的教授安吉拉认为:“不能按时完成任务的情形”属于消极的拖延。  一份《一份关于大学生拖延
草坪是城市绿化的重要组成部分,为了创造宜人的环境,提供给人们良好的户外活动地以及一些特殊功能如飞机场、足球场、高尔夫球场、网球场等等的需求,草坪得到了越来越广泛的应用,其种植方法如下:  一、播种法  一般用于结籽量大而且种子容易采集的草籽,如野牛草、高羊茅、结缕草、剪股颖早熟禾等都可用种子繁殖,但同时需注意几个问题:  1.种子的质量  一般要求纯度在90%以上,发芽率在50%以上。  2.种子