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汤因比的哲学——历史研究的对象是“文明”而文明是“社会型”。文明诞生于社会中少数“贤人”对环境挑战的应战成功;成长于少数“贤人”的领导与多数人的跟从;衰退由于少数“贤人”制造性的失败与多数人模仿性的缩退。诞生、成长与死亡是文明的必然过程。历史上26种文明中,大多已死去或正在呻吟待毙,只有西方基督文明尚有续存的希望。只有“神化”(宗教)能引导“人”到“超人”、“文明”到“超文明”、“人的王国”到“神的王国”去。作者的批评——指出基本错误是:以“文明”作为历史研究的对象和以文明诞生、成长与衰退过程的概念公式作为历史哲学的基础。文明不是如汤因比所说的一个有因果关系的体系而是一个大垃圾堆,不可能用这个公式来描述。汤因出硬要把文明活埋或说成是“僵化”,因而犯着种种事实与逻辑上的错误。另一方面表明:对于若干历史问题,汤因比也有其新鲜而精辟的见解。 Toynbee’s philosophy - the object of historical research is “civilization” and civilization is “social.” Civilization was born out of the battles of a few “wise men” against environmental challenges in society. It grew up with the minority leaders and majority followers. The decline was due to the productive failure of the “sage” and the decline of the imitability of the majority. Birth, growth and death are the inevitable process of civilization. Of the 26 civilizations that have historically died or are moaning, only the hope of a continuing survival of Western Christian civilization exists. Only “deification” (religion) can guide “people” to “superhuman”, “civilized” to “superhuman”, “human kingdom” to “kingdom of God.” The author’s criticism points out that the basic mistake is to use “civilization” as the object of historical research and the conceptual formula of the birth, growth and decline of civilization as the basis of historical philosophy. Civilization is not a causal system, as Toynbee said, but a big heap, and can not be described by this formula. The fact that the soup is hard to live civilizations or is described as “rigid” is guilty of all kinds of factual and logical mistakes. On the other hand, it shows that Toinbi also has his fresh and insightful opinion on a number of historical issues.
一    “替我好好照顾妈妈!”爸爸说这句话时,一双有力的大手按在程阳的肩上,充满期待和信任的目光盯着程阳的眼睛,程阳不由得点点头。爸爸接着说:“我相信你会的。爸爸希望你记住,妈妈也不容易的,她非常爱你!”  “你们说什么呢?”妈妈来了。妈妈是去为爸爸买矿泉水,她手上却拎着一只鼓鼓囊囊的方便袋来了,里面都是吃的。  “怎么买这么多东西?”爸爸说。  “你路上吃,吃不完带到船上吃。”妈妈看了一眼程阳
判断电路中的短路现象,是电学中的常见问题.本文介绍一种直观、简便地判断短路的方法——“找圈”法(说明:该法适用于由开关开合引起的短路现象的判断). Judging the short-
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1.材料一在一个不讲善意道德(即非正义)的城市,讲道德的人往往受到损失和伤害,这就是可怕的“沉没成本”——他不 1. Material 1 In a city where morality is not good (th
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