Improving the English Writing Ability of Engineering Students By Using Genre-based Approach

来源 :校园英语·上旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:josenhu
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  In recent years, as the EFL education in China is concerned, writing in English has been regarded as one of the most difficult areas for both Chinese learners, especially for those non-English majors who have considerably less time and energy devoted to the English study (Xiong, 2019). With respect to the unique educational context of China, it seems that the Genre-based Approach (GBA) is a suitable teaching approach for teaching writing to most Chinese learners.
  In one of the definitions of the GBA, it refers to teaching students how to use language patterns to accomplish coherent and purposeful prose (Hyland, 2003a). That is, the GBA helps students understand how the target texts are organized and why they are written in the ways they are.
  Many researchers have attempted to determine the effectiveness of the GBA in various contexts. For example, Bhatia (1993a) analyzed job applications composed by South Asians. Flowerdew and Wan (2006) explored the specific discourse community of tax accountants in Hong Kong.
  The present study was conducted to improve the writing ability of engineering students at Guanxi Technical College using Genre-based Approach combined with Feez’s (2000) teaching and learning cycle which was consisted of five stages, namely building the context, modeling and deconstruction, joint construction of the text, independent construction of the text, and linking related text.
  The moves analysis of the request e-mails was done based on Swales’(1990) and Bhatia’s(1993) genre analysis concepts. It was found out that there were six moves, namely, move 1 (opening situation), move 2 (establishing correspondence chain), move 3 (introducing purposes), move 4 (attaching document), move 5 (closing corresponding chain), and move 6 (closing salutation).
  There were 45 undergraduate engineering students participated in this study. The teaching content was to teach students to write request e-mails in the engineering context. Before the class, students were assigned to take a pre-test about writing request e-mails.
  In the first stage, the language forms showing the request function of the sample were pointed out. Then the concepts of “move” and “step” were introduced and explained. Students would analyze a sample request e-mail using genre analysis results together with the teacher after the teacher had shown them how to do the analysis. Language forms and grammar points in each move in those e-mails samples were pointed out and explained. Students did more exercises to ensure familiarity with six moves of request e-mails. After that, students were assigned to write request e-mail in groups. At the end of this session, each group exchanged their work for editing. Students would write request emails individually as their homework. The feedback was given back during the next teaching session. At the end of this session, the students compared the characteristics of moves between request e-mails and the wedding invitation card as the last stage of teaching.   After the lesson implementation, students were assigned to take the post-test. The comparison between the pre-test and post-test score was undertaken by using the dependent t-test. The results of the comparison between the mean score of pre-test and post-test are presented in Table 1 below.
  Table 1 shows that the mean score of the post-test score was higher than that of the pre-test score. It was also found from the t-test results that the writing achievement scores in the post-test were significantly higher than those obtained in the pre-test (p
【摘要】目前,初中学生对英语写作兴趣不大,教师的反馈得不到学生的足够重视,写作教学的效果提升缓慢,本文提出在教学中可以尝试“接力写作”的方式帮助学生在英语写作时增强读者意识、激发写作兴趣,有效提升写作教学的质量。  【关键词】接力写作;读者意识;写作兴趣  【作者简介】罗曼容,广州市第五中学。  当前初中英语课堂上在写作教学方面存在诸多问题,学生写作中出现大量的语言错误,学生写作兴趣不浓,教师反馈
【摘要】作为职业高中开设的基础性必修科目,英语对职高学生未来升学和就业有至关重要的影响。种种原因,我国职业高中英语课程在教学方面仍有不少问题,作者结合多年一线工作经验,深入剖析当前职业高中英语教学现状,并提出一些实效性建议,希望可以促进职高英语教学质量和效率的提高,以便更好地提升高职学生的未来升学和就业质量。  【关键词】英语;教学;建议  【作者简介】郝欢欢,山西国防军星技工学校。  相对于普通
【摘要】本文主要阐述了基于核心素养的初中英语课堂教学策略,以此通过多种方式激发学生的学习兴趣,促进其更好地发展。  【关键词】核心素养;初中英语;语言能力  【作者简介】俞阳,南京市雨花台中学。  前言  在初中英语教学过程中,为了增强学生的学习欲望,使其热爱学习英语,教师应当转变传统教学模式,采取新的方法策略进行教学,进而提升其学习能力及语言应用能力,使学生的思维品质与文化意识得到良好的培养,以
【摘要】基于信息化课堂教学具有突破时空限制、最大限度地发挥学生主观能动性的优势,结合高职英语教学实践,本文从创建信息化学习环境、善用移动智能终端设备、培养自主学习能力和强调协作学习四个方面探索了信息化环境下的高职英语教学。  【关键词】信息化;高职英语教学  【作者简介】张婉华(1978.11-),女,兰州职业技术学院教师,副教授。  网络技术和信息技术的飞速发展,为教学的新发展创造了优良的条件。
【Abstract】Ambiguity is a common phenomenon in language, and ambiguous sentences in English are more common. The existence of English ambiguous sentences is mainly caused by three factors, pronunciatio
【摘要】根据新课标的要求,英语教学要培养学生的英语听、说、读、写能力和综合语言运用能力。传统的教学模式存在着一定的弊端,随着教育教学模式的改革和发展,英语教学中逐渐出现了一些新的教学模式。互动探究式教学方法强调学生的主体地位,能够充分调动学生学习的主观能动性,是一种有效的英语教学方法。本文对初中英语教学中互动探究式教学方法的运用进行探讨分析,旨在为打造更加高效的英语课堂提供一些参考。  【关键词】
【摘要】随着素质教育改革的深入,艺术考试也不断地升温。越来越多的家长为了让自己的孩子考上好的大学,纷纷加入了艺术特长班,期望孩子能在基本满足高考分数线的基础上更上一层楼。就美术特长生而言,很多学生的专业成绩基本可以达到高考线上,但文化课的成绩却不理想,特别是英语学科。本文主要针对如何提高高中美术特长班的英语教学效果,提出改革方向,以期帮助美术生不被英语拖后腿,走向人生的巅峰。  【关键词】高中英语
【摘要】现今课程改革不断进行,在新的英语课程标准中要求提升小学生的英语核心素养,在教学的过程中老师引入生活化的教学策略,能够给学生创设相应的教学情境,让英语变得通俗易懂,吸引学生的注意力,培养学生对英语学习的兴趣,提升学生的英语语言技能。文章探讨了核心素养下小学英语课堂生活化的策略,以工作纸的应用为例进行了探讨,提出了合理的措施,希望能够给小学英语老师提供一些参考。  【关键词】小学英语;生活化;
【摘要】教育的目的都是為了更好地发展学生核心素养,使其能够适应终身发展和社会发展需要的必备品格和关键能力。笔者认为语言学习不能仅“动口”,该动手时要“动手”。DIY音标卡的使用让学生在课堂中从被动的接受者转变成主动的探索者,真正实现“我的课堂我做主,我的卡片我来做”,丰富了语音学习,拓展了教学途径,为有限的语音课堂增添无限的学习乐趣。  【关键词】语音教学;DIY;音标卡  【作者简介】赵君萍,杭