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从2008年实现千万级的销售额,到2009年突破4000万总收入,再到2010年将“品牌创建”提为新的发展目标,“顺昌”开拓国内粮机市场的步伐稳健而坚实;从20世纪90年代建厂伊始混杂于众多以制造为主的作坊式工厂,到经历廉价人力、价格混战的成长期,再到如今走出国门置身国际舞台,“顺昌”也见证了民族企业的崛起和壮大。究其根源,董事长涂胜明将其归功于明确的定位和严格的质量要求。 From 2008 to achieve 10 million in sales, to break through 40 million in 2009 total revenue, and then in 2010 to “brand-building” as a new development goal, “Shunchang” to open up the domestic grain market Steady and solid pace; from the beginning of the 1990s built in the factory mixed with many manufacturing-based workshop-style factory, to experience the growth of cheap manpower, price melee, and now go out of the country exposure to the international arena, "Shunchang Also witnessed the rise of national enterprises and growth. Investigate its root causes, Chairman Tu Shengming attributed it to a clear positioning and strict quality requirements.
本文针对大型航天器潜在应用的各种类型的集成热泵管理系统,介绍了国外的一些重要研究成果、应用技术方案及关键技术解决途径,并提出了未来研究的方向和重点解决的问题。 In
The American SpaceX firm says its experiment to bring part of its Falcon rocket down to a soft landing on a floating sea platform did not work.The vehicle was l
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Nowadays rotating machinery grows and develops extremely fast due to its multi-branch application.Although the fields of rotordynamics and rotor balancing had a