重塑形象 廉政为先

来源 :中国税务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vinejue
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三年前,黑龙江省大庆市国税局局长那凤歧的贪污受贿案件曾引得全国上下一片哗然;三年后的今天,当一切尘埃落定之后,随着时光的流失,案件本身已日渐淡远了人们的记忆。但是,在黑龙江省国税局全体干部职工心中,那却是至今都难以抹去的阴影……借用黑龙江省国税局局长孙云志的话说,就是:我们要警钟长 Three years ago, the case of embezzlement and bribery by the Fengtai Branch of Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province, which caused the embezzlement and bribery incident in the country, caused an uproar throughout the country. After three years, when all the dust has settled, the case itself has become fainter with the loss of time People’s memory. However, in the heart of all the staff and workers of the IRS, it is so far that it is hard to erase the shadows ... ... borrow Heilongjiang Province State Administration of Taxation Sun Yunzhi’s words, that is: we want the alarm bell long
Objective:To investigate the in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activities along with phytochemical screening of organic and aqueous extracts of leaf and st
从7月1日起,全国统一停止使用手工版增值税专用发票,所有增值税一般纳税人必须使用防伪税控系统开具的电脑版增值税专用发票,没有购置防伪税控系统设备的纳税人怎么办? From
分别用液—液分配法和柱层析法对珠芽尖距紫堇 Corydalis sheareri全株的氯仿粗提物进行了分离 ,以求获得对甘蓝害虫有拒食活性的物质。液—液分配法中 ,苯提取物的拒食活性
Objective:To investigate antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities of crude extract from Ipomoea involucrata leaves(Convolvulaceae) in mice and rats.Meth
[Objective] To induce the callus from P.cuspidatum leaves and to determine the content of resveratrol.[Method] P.cuspidatum leaves as tissue culture materials w
6月4日至5日,国家税务总局党组书记、局长谢旭人带领国家税务总局办公厅、流转税司、征管司和计算机信息中心等部门负责人到深圳市调研。 谢局长一行风尘仆仆,一到深圳,就深
足不出户就可以报税,这对于习惯了跑税务大厅的张女士来说,确实是件新鲜事。 张女士是济南市一国有企业财务处的出纳员,过去十几年一直是她负责到税务征收处去报税。不久前
Objective:To validate traditional claims of usefulness of the Indian plants in management of poisonous snakebite and evaluate the antivenom properties displayed