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当去年底Nvidia推出GeForce256显示芯片时,便打破3dfx之前辛苦创下的独霸局面,成为市场的新霸主,并宣布每6个月便会推出更新的下一代产品,已成为另一个“新摩尔定律”。自此3D显示芯片的发展,除了不断在工作频率上努力以取得极大的成长速度外,也开始为创造拟真3D世界而加入多种新技术,成为市场上除了微处理器外最受人瞩目的新星。 When Nvidia introduced the GeForce 256 graphics chip at the end of last year, it dived the dominance it had created before 3dfx, became the new hegemony of the market and announced that it would introduce an updated next-generation product every 6 months. It has become another “New Moore’s Law” . Since then, the development of 3D graphics chips, in addition to constantly working at operating frequency to achieve tremendous growth, but also began to create immersive 3D world and adding a variety of new technologies, the market in addition to the most popular microprocessor Spotlight of the new star.
性能稳定,读盘力强,运转较为稳定,此款光驱是非常适合众多电脑爱好者使用的。 Stable performance, read the disk strong, stable operation, this CD-ROM is very suitabl
号称性能表现最好的平台,820芯片组主权与PC 800 RDRAM,配合英特尔1GHz微处理器,会有怎样的性能,请看我们下面的测试报告。 Known as the best platform for performance, 8
2008年12月12日至13日,为期两天的全国曲协工作会议在苏州市相城区在水一方大酒店隆重举行。来自中国曲协、地方曲协及行业曲协的负责人汇聚一堂,共谋曲艺事业发展大计。 De
文章着重讨论了光纤通信中光接收机前置放大器输入电容对光探测灵敏度及频带宽度的影响,从而指导我们在实际工作中正确地设计宽带、高灵敏度光接收机。 The article mainly
DVD-ROM DVD,有说法是Digital Video Disc也有讲Digi-tal Versatile Disc的。不管怎样,DVD是近年来厂家、商家和用户议论的焦点。目前DVD的规格包括:Book A也就是DVD-ROM;Boo
很有特色的布局和特殊界面的BIOS给CHIP留下了深刻的印象 Very distinctive layout and special interface BIOS to CHIP left a deep impression
采用威胜最新的VIA KT133 芯片组。主板集成了最新的KT7-RAID芯片,可以支持使用Ultra ATA/100的数据传输模式,同时带有4个IDE接口。 Weisheng latest VIA KT133 chipset. Th