Genetic diversity of PfEMP1-DBL 1-α and its association with severe malaria in a hyperendemic state

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:terzaghi
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Objective:To find out the extent of duffy-binding-like(DBL) a gene diversity and the resetting potential of the parasite population in association with severe malaria.Methods:Genotyping of DBLαdomain was done by PCR using three sets of primers(FR,F1R2 and F2R2) and the rosetting frequency was assessed by parasite culture followed by ethidium bromide staining and visualization under a fluorescent microscope.Results:The significant association of high parasite density with severe malaria and the positive correlation between rosetting frequency and parasite density in vivo(P = 0.613,P<0.0001) were observed.Moreover,the parasite strains having multiple fragments of F2R2 region and’b’variant of FR region of DBL 1-αshowed increased rosetting frequency and supported the strain specific association of disease severity. Conclusions:The findings suggest that rosetting mediated higher parasitemia might have contributed to the development of severe disease.As the rosetting domain of Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1(HEMP1),the DBL a binds to multiple host receptors; the significant association of multiple fragments of F2R2 region with severe malaria suggests several receptor-ligand interactions as the possible mechanisms of pathogenesis.Alternatively, the high percentage distribution of smaller fragments with mild malaria suggests the lack of adequate rosetting epitopes that might have contributed to low rosetting frequency in mild malaria. Objective: To find out the extent of duffy-binding-like (DBL) a gene diversity and the resetting potential of the parasite population in association with severe malaria. Methods: Genotyping of DBLαdomain was done by PCR using three sets of primers (FR, Results: The significant association of high parasite density with severe malaria and the positive correlation between rosetting frequency and parasite density in vivo ( P = 0.613, P <0.0001) were observed. Moreover, the parasite strains with multiple fragments of F2R2 region and’b’variant of FR region of DBL 1-alpha showed increased rosetting frequency and supported the strain specific association of disease severity. Conclusions: The findings suggest that rosetting mediated higher parasitemia might have contributed to the development of severe disease. As the rosetting domain of Plasmodium f The significant association of multiple fragments of F2R2 region with severe malaria suggests several receptor-ligand interactions as the possible mechanisms of pathogenesis. Alternatively, the high percentage distribution of smaller fragments with mild malaria suggests the lack of adequate rosetting epitopes that might have contributed to low rosetting frequency in mild malaria.
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鲍大姐是大庆油田第八采油厂采油205队中转站的一名倒班工人。这天值完夜班,鲍大姐向接班的员工认真地做了生产交接后,并没有像同班一样, 急急忙忙坐上班车回家。而是穿着工