Applications of combinatorial approach to the investigation of optical functional materials

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Jany9538235
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Recent applications of combinatorial methodology to the investigation of optical functional materials are reviewed on the basis of the authors’ work. The content includes: basic concepts of combinatorial materials science, combinatorial investigations of UV/VUV excited photoluminescence, luminescent rear earth complex doped polymer and magneto-optical materials. The fundamental synthesis tech-niques and characterization methods in combinatorial methodology are also illustrated in the text. Recent applications of combinatorial methodology to the investigation of optical functional materials are reviewed on the basis of the authors’ work. The content includes: basic concepts of combinatorial materials science, combinatorial investigations of UV / VUV excited photoluminescence, luminescent rear earth complex doped polymer and magneto-optical materials. The fundamental synthesis tech-niques and characterization methods in combinatorial methodology are also illustrated in the text.
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