拓非洲市场 促航空机电产品出口

来源 :世界机电经贸信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:victorhao84
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一、航空产品出口靠对非洲贸易打开局面1979年中航技公司成立伊始,国家没有什么投资,靠的是国家的政策和干部群众的积极性。我们经过对本行业产品和国际市场的初步分析,首先选择的目标是地处北非的埃及。埃及曾于五十年代后期抗衡英、法入侵后接受了大量的前苏联军事援助,七十年代后期与苏联关系恶化,驱走了苏联专家,大批苏联飞机的维护、修理、补充及零备件供应成了空白。这对于苏联援建的中国航空工业是一个难得的机遇,中航技公司抓住这个契机,借外汇出国,经过艰苦的谈判,在我驻埃及大使馆的领导支持下,于1979年5月2日同埃及签署 First, the export of aviation products relied on the opening of trade in Africa At the beginning of the establishment of AVIC in 1979, the state had little investment and relied on the country’s policies and the enthusiasm of the cadres and masses. After preliminary analysis of our products and international markets, we first selected the target to be located in Egypt in North Africa. Egypt had received a lot of Soviet military assistance after the invasion of Britain and France in the late 1950s. It deteriorated with the Soviet Union in the late 1970s and drove away Soviet experts. The maintenance, repairs, replenishment, and spare parts supply of Soviet aircraft were numerous. Become blank. This is a rare opportunity for the Chinese aviation industry assisted by the Soviet Union. AVIC has seized this opportunity to go abroad through foreign exchange, and after arduous negotiations, with the support of the leadership of my Embassy in Egypt, on May 2, 1979. Signed with Egypt
从事商业活动,尤其是开连锁店的竞争日趋激烈。这样的企业群若利用计算机网络就可大大降低费用,从而增强竞争力。本文介绍了此类企业的一些具体策略,供有关部门参考。 Engag
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你可以想象国际互联网络有如过去美国西部荒野(Wild West)那片宁静安稳且未开垦的处女地。现在那里摩天大楼拔地而起,人们尽情地享用现代高科技的产物,数字电视、VCD……,跳
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1.a piece of cakeA: What do you think of the final exam?B: It’s a piece of cake to me.A: You’re bragging again, what if you failed?B: No way.甲: 你觉得期末考