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欧洲玉米螟赤跟蜂Trichogramma nubilale系广东省昆虫研究所于1983年3月自美国德拉维尔大学引入。在室内,经用米蛾卵、蓖麻蚕卵和祚蚕卵繁殖,均能正常寄生、羽化,子代雌蜂占90%以上。我们在各种恒温下培养,求得其发育起点温度为13.3℃,有效积温为121.69日度,发育速率V=14.8215/1+e~(10.3106_0.4461t)。该蜂较耐高温,在恒温30℃、32℃下寄生率仍达76.4%及53.8%,羽化率为97.6%及95.9%,每雌产子蜂数与28℃下相差不大。1983年5~6月间,与广东省光明华侨农场农科所合作,小区散放防治甘蔗黄螟,寄生率达70%以上,枯心率较未放蜂区减少1倍,与散放本地优势种——拟澳洲赤眼蜂效果相近。经江苏琼港生防所小区试验,该赤眼蜂防治玉米螟效 European corn borer Trichogramma nubilale Trichogramma nubilale Guangdong Institute of Entomology was introduced in March 1983 from the University of Delaware. Indoors, moth eggs, silkworm eggs and silkworm eggs eggs breeding, can be normal parasitization, eclosion, offspring female bees accounted for more than 90%. We cultured at a variety of constant temperature, obtained its developmental starting temperature of 13.3 ℃, effective accumulated temperature of 121.69 days, the development rate of V = 14.8215 / 1 + e ~ (10.3106_0.4461t). The bees were more tolerant to high temperature. The parasitism rates were still 76.4% and 53.8% respectively at constant temperature of 30 ℃ and 32 ℃, and the emergence rates were 97.6% and 95.9% respectively. Between May and June 1983, in cooperation with Guangdong Guangming Overseas Chinese Farm Agricultural Institute, the control of sugar cane yellow stem borer in communities was achieved with a parasitic rate of over 70% and a withered heart rate of 1 times lower than that of the non-beekeeping zone. Species - Trichogramma Australian effect similar. After the Qionggang Institute of Biological Protection of Jiangsu district trial, the Trichogramma control corn borer effect
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全球被乙型肝炎病毒 (HBV)感染的人数估计已超过 3 5亿 ,而且HBV是引起慢性肝炎、肝硬化以及肝癌的主要原因 ,因而具有极大的危害性。现已发现 ,热休克蛋白 ,特别是糖蛋白 96( gp96)
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丁草胺又称去草胺或灭草特,是美国孟山都公司1969年研制开发的一种选择性芽前除草剂。它的结构式如下: 化学名称为:2,6—二乙基—N—(丁氧甲基)氯乙酰替苯胺。丁草胺的纯品