经历了一冬的孕育,蘸和着春雨的充盈,像浪奔,似潮涌,漫山遍野摇曳着不可抗拒的绿潮。 春风在推,阳光在搡,天格外地亮丽。 3月31日,湖南省消防总队教导大队一派节日景象。20只氢气球迎风飘舞,大幅宣传标语和五颜六色的彩旗环绕四周,宽阔的操场上举行着湖南省消防部队规模空前的军事业务汇报表演。1000余名消防官兵全副武装,面向主席台从右至左依次排列成警徽、半自动步枪、56式冲锋枪、开关直流水枪、开花水枪、簧片喷雾水枪、佩戴空气呼吸器、着隔热服携泡沫枪、车辆九个方队。他们正接受省委副书记郑培民同志的检阅。
Experienced a winter gestation, dipped and filled with the spring rain, like the waves running, like tidal waves, all over the mountains swaying the irresistible green tide. Spring breeze is pushing, the sunshine is bang, the sky is exceptionally bright. March 31, Hunan Fire Brigade to teach brigade faction holiday scene. 20 hydrogen balloons flying in the wind, big banners and colorful banners surrounded by a wide playground held in Hunan Province, the unprecedented performance of fire brigades military reports. More than 1,000 fire officers and soldiers were fully armed, facing the rostrum from right to left in turn arranged into the police badge, semi-automatic rifle, 56 submachine gun, switch DC water gun, water spray gun, Reed spray water gun, wear air respirator, Bubble gun, vehicle nine square team. They are now being checked by Comrade Zheng Peimin, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee.