
来源 :中国草业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gdcjr
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江苏浜海地区土地资源丰富,在海堤内、外有荒地和半荒地面积在13.3万公顷以上。如能适当利用这部分土地,种植牧草、建立人工和半人工草地,必将对沿海地区畜牧业的发展起巨大的促进作用。本文着重叙述了江苏浜海地区种草的几个技术问题。种草必须从治碱改土人手,选择耐盐性强的植物和适生草种,扩大优良牧草的栽培面积,重视当地的野生草种,合理利用天然草地,建立人工和半人工草地。并根据浜海地区土壤的特点进行耕作管理,坚持浅层耕作,做到随耕、随耙、随种,适当加大播种量,注意排除积水等措施。同时,种草必须要有一定的面积,进而养畜、加工,做到草畜配套,才能提高种草的经齐效益。 Hamamatsu, Jiangsu Province, is rich in land resources. Within the seawall, there are more than 133,000 hectares of wasteland and half-wasteland outside. The proper use of this part of the land, the cultivation of forage grass, and the establishment of artificial and semi-artificial grasslands will surely play a huge role in promoting the development of livestock husbandry in coastal areas. This article focuses on several technical issues of grass planting in Banghai, Jiangsu Province. Weeding grass from the Alkali soil to change people, select salt-tolerant plants and grass-adapted species, to expand the cultivation of fine forage area, pay attention to the local wild grass, rational use of natural grassland, the establishment of artificial and semi-artificial grassland. According to the characteristics of the soil in Haimi area farming management, adhere to the shallow tillage, so that with the tillage, with rake, with the appropriate increase of seeding, pay attention to exclude water and other measures. At the same time, planting grass must have a certain area, and then raising livestock, processing, livestock and poultry to do so in order to improve the efficiency of the grass by the Qi.
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