
来源 :中国汽配市场 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lingdujimo
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公元2015年8月31日上午,呼和浩特市汽配协会会长金士强先生突发心脏病,送医院抢救无效,与世长辞,享年41岁,一颗汽配新星就此陨落,恶噩传来,让全国汽配行业同仁陷入悲痛之中!作为呼和浩特市汽配行业协会会长,金士强先生一直致力于推动呼市乃至内蒙古汽配汽修行业的良性发展为夙愿,金士强先生常常劳碌奔波全国,不辞辛苦走访企业,在他的带领下,成功举办了三届“北方汽车配件交易 On the morning of August 31, 2015, Mr. Jin Shiqiang, President of Hohhot Automobile Auto Parts Association, suddenly suffered a heart attack and delivered to the hospital for invalidation. He died at the age of 41 and a new star of Auto Parts Co., Ltd. Into the grief! As chairman of Hohhot Auto Parts Industry Association, Mr. Jin Shiqiang has been committed to promoting Hohhot, Inner Mongolia auto parts industry and even the sound development as a long-cherished wish, Mr. Jin Shiqiang often bustling throughout the country, worked hard to visit the business, in his lead Under the successful holding of the three ”northern auto parts transactions
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本文总结我院采用中西医结合治疗30例结核性胸腔积液患者,疗效显著,报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 病例选择 30例胸腔积液患者经过病史、体征、胸水常规及胸腔镜检查证实均为结核