吃标 Eating logo

来源 :天下美食 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:afei137
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  导语:什么衣着算得上high fashion?什么生活算得上high quality?我们的日子再也逃脱不了标签与logo,后者甚至成为了必不可少的食粮与给养。意大利艺术家Massimo Gammacurta 创作的棒棒糖logo摄影系列恰巧结合了这两重含义,艺术充当他们的介质,让看客探讨与思索其中隐含的更多外延所在。“食物于我们来说是一种原始需求,它渗透进入我们的经脉与血液,没有食物我们将无法存活。艺术就是我们自身,它是创新,是我们所期冀的任意形态,艺术于我是一种原始需求,没有它我将无法存活。”-Massimo Gammacurta如是说 。
  Massimo Gammacurta: 某天我突然被糖果激发出了灵感,于是决定创作这个棒棒糖logo造型系列。完成整个系列我花了一年的时间,因为它们融化很快,所以我不得不把棒棒糖全部吃掉。这完全是个本能反应,之后我请写手帮我记述文字部分。
  ZEST:What inspires your idea of this series?
  Massimo Gammacurta :Well I was in the mood for some candy one day and I decided to create this stylish logo shape lollipop. It took me a year to finish this project and since they melted pretty fast I had to eat them all.I just react to an instinct and then I let other write about it.
  2. ZEST:说说食品和艺术的关系?
  Massimo Gammacurta: 我认为食物于我们来说是一种原始需求,它渗透进入我们的经脉与血液,没有食物我们将无法存活。艺术就是我们自身,它是创新,是我们所期冀的任意形态,艺术于我是一种原始需求,没有它我将无法存活。
  ZEST: please talk about  the relationship of food and art? 
  Massimo Gammacurta :I think food is such a primal need, it goes into your veins into your blood and without it we don't survive, art is what we are,is innovation or whatever you want it to be, i wouldn't survive without art...is one of my primal need...
  3. ZEST: 一般来说你如何完成你的作品?有哪些有趣体验可以分享的?
  Massimo Gammacurta: 这个过程通常是非常随机的,我所有的作品都是边研究边操作,而且完全独立自主,棒棒糖系列让我学会如何把硬糖果当作创作对象。生活里出现的很多物件都能激发我的创作灵感,只要我确定了一个概念,后续就会发生一些列的反应和跟进,直到完成作品。我会给观众留出他们自己的想像余地去理解与评价作品,毕竟我是视觉艺术家,而非作家。
  ZEST:Generally, how do you complete your work(from idea to finished) ?   Is there any interesting experience to share?
  Massimo Gammacurta :Is really random, as far as the making of all my pieces i always learn how to do it myself, in the lolli-POP project i learned how to work with hard ball candy. As far as the concept i can get inspired by pretty much anything , but i mostly react to an idea and then finish it, i let the viewer make his own opinion, i am a visual artist not a writer.
  4. ZEST: 你完成这个系列的过程中最有趣的是什么?
  Massimo Gammacurta: 最有趣的应该是创作中的不可预见性。很多时候你真的不知道会发生何种视觉意外,创作这个系列的时候,我曾在一个异常潮湿的天气里制作了一个棒棒糖,而且这真的不是一个明智的选择,但结果却出人意料,我得到了全系列最好的一张作品。所以你永远无法拒绝意外带来的惊喜,创作是没有约法三章的,你只需全情投入。
  ZEST:What's the most interesting thing when you creating this work?  
  Massimo Gammacurta :Unpredictability...really sometimes you don't really know what is gonna happen, how something turns out to look. in the case of this series i once did a lollipop on a very humid day and is not really a good idea but it turned out to be one of the best in the book....so u never know, there's not written rules, you just have to work on it.
  5. ZEST: 有人说吃什么,像什么,你怎么看这句话 ?
  Massimo Gammacurta: 某种程度来说是这样,我热爱食物,也热爱烹饪。我是个挑剔的食客,吃这方面永远是宁缺毋滥。就像我说过的,吃是一个原始需求,我觉得把食物当作工作对象是相当有意思的。所以“吃什么,像什么”这句话对我来说很贴切。
  ZEST:Someone said that you are what you eat,what do you think about it?  
  Massimo Gammacurta :I think to some extend is true, i love food and i love to cook food, i am very picky and i'd rather eat less but great food, like i said already food such a primal need and i find it fascinating to work with so i guess you can say that yes i am what i eat..
  6. ZEST: 想像与创新对你来说意味着什么 ?你觉得它们如何影响我们的生活?
  Massimo Gammacurta: 它们意味着探索与挑衅观众的反应底线。我创作的动机就来自挑战观众。原创性对作品来说是极为重要的,而尝试新技术和探索新理念是实现原创性必不可少的途径。我既无意被他人无聊到,也不想给他人制造无聊,于是我一直试图在这点上保持本色。
  ZEST:what does imagination and innovation mean to you and how does it affect our life in your mind?
  Massimo Gammacurta : ‘Edginess and the provocation of reflection in the viewer. I am motivated by challenging my viewer’.Striving to be original is so important, trying new techniques and experiment new ideas is the way to go.i don't wanna be bored or bore anyone so i try to be me all the times.
  7. ZEST: 对你来说甚么是好的艺术品 ?
  Massimo Gammacurta: 一切使你为之回头的东西。
  ZEST:What is good photographic work? 
  Massimo Gammacurta :anything that makes you turn your head...
  8. ZEST: 下一步的打算是?
  Massimo Gammacurta: 下一步计划创作一个雕塑系列,同时希望能在亚洲找到棒棒糖系列作品集的代理商,也许这次采访能有帮助⋯⋯
  ZEST:What is your next step?  
  Massimo Gammacurta :Working on a new series of sculptures and trying to get a distributor for my Lolli-POP book in Asia...maybe this interview will help....
  Massimo Gammacurta
  Conceptual still lifephotographer Massimo
  Gammacurta was born in Rome, Italy and studied photography at Cine TV Roberto Rossellini's school.Influenced by the Futurist art movement the Graffiti culture and Fellini's and Pasolini movies he shot stills and portraits for a host of publications and advertising such as Details,Forbes , Style Montecarlo ,XXL , Nike, Lexus, Wieden&Kennedy,Surface Magazine, esquire UK.
  2009 Creative Review UK, Photography Annual Selection
  2009 Jasmine Awards, best visual concept supporting an article on fragrance, Grazia UK
  2009 Hasselblad Master Award, finalist category products
  2009 SPD Awards, Merit trade/corporate category
  2008 PDN Pix Digital Award, winner 1st place beauty/fashion
  2008 American Photography 24 Chosen
  2008 Photo Awards, winner of 1st and 2nd place fine art/still life
  2008 Creativity Awards, winner 2 silver awards
  2008 Luterzers Archive, 200 best advertising photographers
  2008 PX3 Prix de la photographie Paris, winner of 2nd place Public Choice Award
  2007 Surface Magazine Avant Guardian winner 10th Annual
  2007 PX3 Prix de la photographie Paris, winner Public Choice Award
  2006 International Color Awards, winner 1st and 2nd place
  2010Art Basel 41, collective exhibition with Visionairs gallery, Basel Switzerland
  2010 “Lolli-POP”, personal exhibition at Visionairs Gallery, Paris France
  2010 “Lolli-POP” Book, Published by Bis Publication Nederlands
  2009 "Sweet Fashion" exhibition, Cannes Film Festival, France
  2009 Master of Hasselblad exhibition, Honk Kong, Copenhagen, New York, London
  2009 Instant Book show, NYC ISCP Show and publication
  2007 Surface exhibition NYC, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Miami
  2006 Master of photography international charity exhibition Curitiba, Brasil
  Clients List
  Alize, Esquire UK, Details Magazine, Forbes Magazine, Gilt Groupe, Golf Digest Index
  Grazia UK Magazine, King Magazine, Harper & Collins, Hennessy X/O, Nike
  Revolver Magazine, Staple Design, Style Montecarlo Magazine, Surface Magazine
  Uptown Magazine, WAD Magazine, Wieden & Kennedy, XXL Magazine
  Book Press release
  Lolli-pop is the latest conceptual still life project by Italian born photographer Massimo Gammacurta. His lollies are edible icons. The brands are as sweet as candy for the palate and the eye. The brand association has in fact been replaced by a new meaning through the materiality and the abstract action painting dynamic gestures. When Massimo first distributed his lolli-pops on the Internet as an art experiment, interest amongst bloggers and fashionistas exploded. With this book, his lolli-pops of world renowned brands are released into the world once again for consumption, but now in print…
  Where to get the prints
  The prints of the lolli_Pop project are available in limited edition at my gallery Visionairs Gallery in Paris http://www.visionairsgallery.com, the lolli-POP book can be purchase at Bis
  Plublishing website at http://www.bispublishers.nl/bookpage.php?id=172
开篇  秋高气爽,一个人坐在餐厅的露台喝咖啡或发呆真是美事一桩,或与伴侣相约在露台进餐,一定会比靠窗座显得更浪漫。在我们选择餐厅的时候,会考量这一顿是准备“吃好菜”还是“吃环境”,若一家餐厅有自己的露台,那么相比再金碧辉煌或有情有调的内饰都是极大的优势点,因为露台让食客“接了地气与空气”并且有无比宽广的气场去消化这一顿饭和释怀这一段宁静的时间,相信这是最好的“环境”,若正好这家露台餐厅的菜品很正点
除去那场著名的战役,诺曼底还有很多理由让你念念不忘。    鳕鱼的故乡  如果去问一个法国人,哪里的鳕鱼最为美味,很多老饕会毫不犹豫地告诉你,当然是费康。不过如果你今天仍然把费康当作一个鳕鱼“都城”,未免又小瞧了它。  从巴黎开车到费康城要三四个小时的时间,这绝不会是一个让人疲惫的旅程,绿色的原野、湛蓝的天空、白云飞快的飘过,费康越累越近,你会看到越来越多的奶牛,这里的奶制品在全法国也是顶级的。 
配文:丙辰中秋,欢饮达旦。大醉,作此篇,兼怀子由。  明月几时有?把酒问青天。  不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年?  我欲乘风归去,又恐琼楼玉宇,  高处不胜寒!起舞弄清影,何似在人间!  转朱阁,低绮户,照无眠。  不应有恨,何事长向别时圆?  人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。  但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。    1. zest:如何理解旧时岁月?  黄海波:过去的事情是用来总结的,好的保持,不
灯笼 (Lantern) 俱乐部如今已成为本土电子音乐厂牌针刺疗法在北京电子音乐及派对领域的一个重要根据地。不同于以往传统商业夜店,为了保证“快餐式”的标准品质,几乎几首欧美榜单热播的音乐每天都会准时响起,灯笼俱乐部则秉承针刺疗法的电音派对风格,更多的是关注好听的音乐,而简约而干净的俱乐部风格更让我们感受到针刺疗法对于真正好的音乐单纯和执着的热情,正如负责人嗡嗡的介绍一般,他希望Lantern成为
十年前,曾经有一部日剧《美酒贵公子》(又名《葡萄酒专家》),讲述为了让法国餐厅“拉梅卢”起死回生,片桐邀天才侍酒师佐竹城担任餐厅的酒侍长,共同改变餐厅命运的故事。若不了解侍酒师的工作,很难想象他竟能对餐厅的运营产生如此大影响,或许只有怀带乐趣、激情的实践者才懂得个中滋味。这一次,我们采访的是励骏酒店的碧翠法餐厅经理兼侍酒师Glen。  13年的五星级餐厅运营经验,作为餐厅的经理,Glen是全体员工
相信大部分爱酒人士都曾被教导过这样品酒:看、闻、尝,三字经就能带你走进葡萄酒的世界嗎?还是,你需要再多知道一点什么?我们现在就教你如何真正享受杯中好酒。    看  错误动作:将酒杯倾斜45%,放在与眼睛平视的地方。这种错误在大庭广众下比比皆是,它使肉眼所见的葡萄酒颜色比标准色度表偏深。  正确动作:找一份好光线,以白色作为背景(品鉴葡萄酒时最好是白色桌布,或者桌上有张白纸),将酒杯倾斜着放在眼睛
你能花在茶盤前慢斟细酢的时间越来越少了,怀念浓浓茶香时,茶饮料成为绿色生活的替代饮品,但茶饮料等同现泡的茶吗?我们一口气喝了8瓶茶饮后的品评结果见下。    品评专家:  中国农业大学食品学院候彩云教授    绿茶  统一茶里王日式无糖绿茶  广告宣传点:独家单细胞生茶萃取技术,回味就像现泡。  品评:涩味浓,象吃了生柿子的感觉,没有回甘。绿茶的原色是绿叶清汤,而此茶的琥珀色远非绿茶所特有的汤色。
又到六月端午时,吃大闸蟹,浅斟慢饮绍兴黄酒正是江南餐桌上最惬意的搭配。作为中国最古老的酿酒,它口感温润醇厚,远比白酒的浓烈更能体现中国人的性情。    黄酒当从绍兴入手  很少有人知道,在中国历史中,“酒”长期来指的就是“黄酒”,甚至连“白酒”这个词,指的也是色泽相对比较淡的酿造类黄酒,至于用“白酒”特指蒸馏而得的高浓度烈酒,那不过是民国前后的事情。而在之前,更多是用”烧酒”等词来指代的。在春秋战
2008年,庄布忠实践在中国历史上第一次的中餐配酒,此次ZEST延续他的道路,而以中国传统四大菜系8道菜品为切入点,试图探索出葡萄酒与中餐搭配的实用法则,和这一道道外观现代、内里却传统的中餐配酒视觉盛宴。这无疑是一场冒险的实验、尝试,但我们期待我们的实验也将成为葡萄酒进入中餐的新起点。    酒品支持/ ASC圣皮尔精品酒业、富隆酒业、EMW由西往东贸易有限公司、云门酒业、美夏国际贸易(上海)有限
在法国吃大餐却看不懂法文菜单怎么办?     主文:  《天下美食》有一套独家的点菜法,“单点”就是一行字配一个价格;“套餐”是好几行字才搭一个价格。吃套餐不仅划算而且方便,只消轻轻以手一指菜单,侍者便会说:“这是很好的选择。”    礼仪插图:  1,我要点菜,服务员没有留意到我这边,我要像电视里的西部牛仔一样潇洒的打个响指吸引他的注意。   错。 千万不要大声呼喝或者用打响指叫侍者,非常不礼貌