深刻领会“三中全会”精神 对接煤炭企业发展改革实践

来源 :煤炭经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:welletboy
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指出,应牢牢把握十八届三中全会的精神实质,坚持从宏观到微观、从直接到间接对接煤炭企业,创新发展思路。认为,要理解市场在资源配置中起“决定性”作用,创新市场战略;要理解取消国有企业行政级别,创建新型用人机制;要理解大力发展混合所有制经济,构建规范的现代企业制度;要理解逐步增加国有企业利润上缴比例,抓好企业经营;要理解实行资源有偿使用制度和生态补偿制度,认真履行企业社会责任。 He pointed out that we should firmly grasp the spiritual essence of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, adhere to the idea of ​​innovation and development from the macro to the micro level, direct and indirect docking with coal enterprises. He believes that it is necessary to understand that the market plays a “decisive” role in the allocation of resources and innovate in market strategies; it is necessary to understand the abolition of the administrative level of state-owned enterprises and the establishment of a new type of employment mechanism; and to understand that vigorously develop a mixed ownership economy and a standardized modern enterprise system; Understand gradually increase the proportion of state-owned enterprises turned over profits, do a good job in business; to understand the implementation of the system of paid use of resources and ecological compensation system, conscientiously fulfill corporate social responsibility.
研制开发一套航天微型扭杆刚度高测量自动测量装置。它具有独特的定心夹紧装置 ,同时采用压电晶体柔性铰链机构驱动实现了对扭杆的平衡对称扭矩加载 ,并且采用精密扭矩和角度测量装置 ,使测试达到了高精度
研究了(Na1/2Bi1/2)TiO3-SrTiO3二元系无铅压电陶瓷的介电、压电性性.Sr2+的引入对NBT材料的常温介电系数、铁电相与反铁电相转变温度TFA(180 °C)以及居里温度TC(300 °C)的
针对硬磁盘驱动器中磁头定位两级伺服控制系统 ,利用宽度弯曲振动模式 ,设计并制备了分割电极型压电复合磁头悬浮臂。研究了复合磁头悬浮臂的动态位移特性、动态频响特性 ,以