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火电厂主厂房具有质量、刚度分布不均等特点,为了保证电厂运行功能在罕遇地震下不中断,避免重大设备损坏而造成的严重财产损失和人员伤亡,结构抗震性能的研究尤为重要。本文采用有限元软件ABAQUS考察结构在大震作用下的抗震性能,研究各部件进入塑性阶段的顺序、损伤程度和分布,并在此基础上提出对结构方案的意见和建议。分析结果表明:结构最大层间位移角满足1/100的限值要求,结构满足大震不倒的设防要求,分析结果可为设计和工程应用提供一定的依据。 The main plant of thermal power plant is characterized by unequal distribution of stiffness and stiffness. In order to ensure that the operation of power plant is not interrupted under rare earthquakes and avoid serious property damage and casualties caused by major equipment damage, the research on seismic performance of structures is particularly important. In this paper, the ABAQUS finite element software was used to study the seismic behavior of the structure under the action of a large earthquake. The order, degree and distribution of the parts entering the plastic phase were studied. Based on the above, the opinions and suggestions on the structure scheme were proposed. The analysis results show that the maximum displacement angle of the structure satisfies the limit of 1/100, and the structure meets the requirements for fortification of large earthquakes. The analysis results can provide some basis for design and engineering application.
目前,工程机械行业的发展正面临着严峻的考验.随着201 2年三季度GDP增长率7.4%的出炉,宏观经济的走势会给从业者带来何种启示;2008-2009年,国家4万亿投资的"一揽子计划"从实施
Chlorine source is indispensable for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin and furan (PCDD/F) formation during municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration. Inorganic ch
摘 要:近年来我市积极落实中央、省、市关于农业和农村经济结构战略性调整的重大部署,依托太白、凤县等高寒山区独特的气候和资源优势,着力发展高山补淡蔬菜,打绿色牌、走特色路,突出标准化、品牌化、组织化、产业化,栽培技术、产品质量安全、市场竞争力得到进一步提升,蔬菜产业呈现产销两旺的良好发展态势。  关键词:蔬菜产业;发展;探索与实践  一、产业现状  1.自然资源  宝鸡高山蔬菜种植区域,海拔高度90
本文主要阐述了利用影象法对60°圆锥管罗纹塞规(NPT)的基面中径进行间接测量的原理、方法、过程及数据处理方法。 This paper mainly expounds the principle, method, pro