In order to study the stochastic characteristics of mine micro-seismic activity, three statistics are proposed to describe the stochastic characteristics of mine micro-seismic activity: the micro-seismic energy distribution rate, the micro-earthquake occurrence rate and the micro-earthquake spatial distribution rate. Based on probability theory and mathematical statistics Principle, the probability of three statistics method is studied. According to the actual microseismic data of a mine, it is found that the probability density curve of microseismic energy distribution is similar to normal distribution; the probability density curve of microseismicity is similar to Poisson distribution; the probability of microseismic spatial distribution Although the density curves show various forms, most of the microseismic events are in front of the fixed working face, the edges on both sides of the working face and the top and bottom of the coal seam, reflecting the greater probability of micro-earthquakes occurring at the sudden change of rock characteristics. Therefore, by using these three statistics and their probability density distribution characteristics, the characteristics of mine microseismic activity can be described in terms of time-space-energy, which is of great significance to the basic research and application of mine microseismic monitoring technology.