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一我拿到入学通知书那天,村里好多人替我高兴,唯独表姐表现出忧心忡忡的样子。我知道她是看不起我,考了三年,才考上个专科。她本来就这个德性,凡事好和我对着干。那些天,这在吴镇是个天大的新闻,连三岁的小孩都知道我考上大学,一个劲咧着嘴对我笑,露出的牙齿像熟透的石榴。老头老太太也对我很慈祥,仿佛我是他们的孙子似的。有一个傍晚,我去无名河边淘猪草,我们村最漂亮的姑娘二 One day I got the admission notice, many people in the village were happy for me, except that the cousin showed a worried look. I know she looks down on me, test for three years, only admitted to a college. She had this virtue, everything is good and I’m right. These days, this is a big news in Wuzhen. Even a three-year-old knows that I am admitted to college and grinned at me with a grin. Her teeth showed mellow ripe pomegranates. Old man old lady also very kind to me, as if I was their grandson-like. One evening, I went to the unknown river Amoy grass, the most beautiful girl in our village II
Abstract:Innovation, both at past and in the future, is always an everlasting topic in the world, and there is no exception in the educational field. Knowledge economy is featured in the 21st century,
今春以来,各地气候比较正常,对伏季瓜果生长有利。预计今年伏季瓜果市场将呈现货源充足、品种多样、购销两旺的景象。 西瓜是伏季瓜果的主要大宗品种。今年,一些主要产区和
天很灰暗,正是播撒愁怅的背景。地很阴冷,正是哀思生长的土壤。 The sky is very dark, it is the background of the broadcast. The land is very cold and it is the soi
经历整整一年的低潮之后,香港的对外贸易在1994年有较大的改善动力。若多项预期的利好因素能够发挥积极的作用,港货出口与转口贸易应比港府估计的增长幅度为佳。 港货出口自
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●国际镍姐织公布中俄镍产量 俄罗斯首次向海牙国际镍研究组织提供的官方统计数字表明,俄罗斯1993年镍产量为19万吨,比1992年下降22%,消耗量为6万吨,出口量达11万吨,1992年出