
来源 :中国民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qjhsgw
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近年来,我们在基层建设中注重发挥《中国国防报》和《中国民兵》的指导作用,狠抓订刊、学刊、用刊三个环节,有效地促进了基层工作落实,加强了部队全面建设。 一、拓宽筹资渠道,加大订阅力度 《中国国防报》和《中国民兵》是国防后备力量建设的专用刊物,对民兵、预备役部队工作的指导,更具方向性、针对性和实用性;预备役部队基层官兵分布在地方各行各业,平时集中学习的机会相对较少,订阅“一报一刊”可以使他们更及时了解上级指示精神,把握全军预备役部队建设形势,确立自己的奋斗目标,指导好工作落实。基于这一认识,师党委提出,在各种报刊比较 In recent years, at the grassroots level, we have focused on giving guidance to the “China National Defense Daily” and “China’s militiamen.” We have paid close attention to the three links of publication, periodicals and periodicals, effectively promoting grassroots work and strengthening the overall force Construction. I. Broaden channels of fund-raising and increase subscriptions The “China National Defense Daily” and “Chinese militia” are special publications for the building of a reserve for national defense. They provide more direction, pertinence and practicability for the guidance of militia and reserve force work; reserve forces The basic troop officers and soldiers of the armed forces are distributed in all walks of life in localities and usually have fewer opportunities to concentrate on studying. To subscribe to the “one newspaper, one journal” can enable them to understand the directives of their superiors in a timely manner, grasp the construction situation of the army reserve forces, establish their own goals, Guide the implementation of good work. Based on this understanding, the division party committee proposed in various newspapers and periodical comparison
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我将两粒香椿种子种到硕大的花盆里,在融融春意贮满山野的时候。这是我从朋友那里弄到的两粒香椿籽。据说十分稀奇,冬天的时候,放在室内的香椿叶子是可以吃的。  花盆放在月台上,在春风沐浴下,在春雨滋润中,香椿籽渐渐破土而出,渐渐发芽、长叶、生茎,给满院带来一派绿意。两棵幼苗并肩生长在花盆里,一样的种子,一样的盆土,一样的春天,一样的成长。  时光渐渐前行,岁月慢慢流逝。夏风熏走了春天,暑热渐渐莅临。  
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新作坊,早就没有了作坊。  那个在时间里塌陷的  院子,是湖广填四川,我的祖辈  落户,舀纸的地方。  他们在山脚,有缓坡的地方,  以木头为柱子,作脊梁,用稻草和竹篾  扎起生活的篱笆。  他们砍柴,烧碳,卖柴火  他们垦荒,种庄稼,生儿育女。  他们像我在识字课本里一样,  认识山、石、田、土。当然,  他们也认识,比我童年更惨烈的饥荒。  不过,就算在青黄不接的早春二月,  他们也能在那个名
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