
来源 :干旱地区农业研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cedzyh
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郑麦9023和豫麦66分别与野生二粒小麦和野燕麦远缘杂交后代进行杂交和回交,经过7代筛选、鉴定,获得了20个抗病性和农艺性状稳定的高代系。在陕西杨凌设置条锈菌流行小种(CYR32和CYR33)病圃,在甘肃天水设置自然发病圃对筛选的小麦高代系进行异地抗病性鉴定,同时对其进行分小种CYR32、CYR33、CYR31和CH42苗期鉴定;分别选用Yr5、Yr9、Yr10、Yr15、Yr17、Yr18和Yr26等7个已知抗条锈病基因的分子标记进行基因检测;对高代系进行萌发干旱胁迫试验,从而对其抗旱性进行评价;并调查其农艺性状并进行评价。抗病、抗旱和农艺性状调查结果显示:参试的20个高代系中,符合抗病耐旱且农艺性状较好,可用于作为抗源亲本的高代系有8个分别是郑野-2、郑野-3、郑野-6、豫野-1、豫野-2、豫野-4、豫野-5、豫野-6。研究结果表明,在抗病、耐旱综合性状优良育种目标指导下,将郑麦9023和豫麦66作为基因累加的库容,利用系谱选择法,结合育种分子标记检测辅助选择,可不断对品种郑麦9023和豫麦66进行改良与创新;并且可依次对其抗病性、抗旱性、成熟期等农艺性状基因及来源不同的优良基因进行累加转育。 Zhengmai 9023 and Yumai 66 were crossed and backcrossed with wild bred wheat and wild oats respectively. After 7 generations of screening and identification, 20 high-resistant lines with stable disease-resistance and agronomic characters were obtained. In the Yangling, Shaanxi Province, we set up the nursery of the stripe rust race (CYR32 and CYR33) and set up the natural disease nursery in Tianshui, Gansu Province to test the resistance of the screened wheat lines in different places. At the same time, CYR31 and CH42 at the seedling stage. The genetic markers of seven known stripe rust resistance genes were selected from Yr5, Yr9, Yr10, Yr15, Yr17, Yr18 and Yr26, respectively. Its drought resistance was evaluated; its agronomic traits were investigated and evaluated. The results of disease resistance, drought resistance and agronomic traits showed that among the 20 high-yielding lines tested, 8 lines with high agronomic traits which were resistant to disease and drought and could be used as anti-drought parents were Zhengye- 2, Zheng Ye-3, Zheng Ye-6, Yu Ye-1, Yu Ye-2, Yu Ye-4, Yu Ye-5, Yu Ye-6. The results showed that Zhengmai 9023 and Yumai 66 were the accumulative capacity of gene accumulation under the guidance of the excellent breeding target of disease resistance and drought tolerance. Using the pedigree selection method and the breeding molecular markers to detect the auxiliary selection, Wheat 9023 and Yumai 66 were improved and innovated; and the gene of agronomic traits such as disease resistance, drought resistance, maturity and other excellent genes with different origins were accumulated and transferred successively.
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Serotonin is one of the significant signaling molecules used by several neural systems in the gut and brain. This study aimed to develop a novel and potent trac