
来源 :中国食品 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunapplesun
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爆竹声中送走了乙丑年,迎来了丙寅年.十二生肖中寅属虎.一九八六年为虎年.今日的宴席上,用猪、牛、羊、鸡、鸭、鱼肉等烹制的美馔佳肴屡见不 In the sound of firecrackers, the year of Yi-Chou was celebrated and Bingyin was ushered in. The zodiac was a tiger in the Year of the Tiger, the Year of the Tiger in 1986. At today’s banquet, pigs, cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks, Fish and other dishes cooked delicacies often not
芦笋的嫩茎质地细腻,味道芬芳,营养丰富,富含蛋白质、糖类和许多维生素,有增进食欲、 Asparagus tender stem delicate texture, fragrant, nutrient-rich, rich in protei
有人说:“打猎是一本神奇的书”.的确,我很难向您形容:发现目标的紧张,击中目标的 Some people say: “hunting is a magical book.” Indeed, I can hardly describe to y
荣正先生:您好?自去年仲秋在西子湖畔别后,转眼已近一年未见面了.您来信说,十一月下旬 Mr. Rong Zheng: How are you? Since mid-autumn last year at the West Lake, we h
大柳面源于山东宁津县大柳镇,为鲁北冀南一带的地方名食之一,已有二百多年的历 Daliudai originated from Daliu Town, Ningjin County, Shandong Province. It is one of
下面的食品对肿瘤术后或因肿瘤放疗、化疗的病人,有一定效果,有条件者不妨一试. The following food on the tumor after surgery or due to tumor radiotherapy and chemo
裹着吃:用粢饭、薄饼、糯米团裹老油条(隔夜油条回锅再炸),再加各种调料,香脆 Wrapped in: eat rice, pancakes, glutinous rice balls wrapped in fritters (overnight fr
阅读古书,常碰到“五味八珍”的说法.什么是“五味八珍”呢?“五”与“八”是古人概括自然与社会时常用的两个数词. Reading ancient books often comes across as “five
过去我烧小萝卜或凉拌小萝卜时,总爱把绿油油的萝卜缨扔掉.可我母亲总将它拾起 When I burned radish or salad radish in the past, I always dumped green radish, but m