《小学生优秀作文》是一本编校质量较高的刊物。本期查出的一些语言差错,大多出自学生的作文。 如何处理学生作文中的语病,至今是个难题。在这方面,有两种主张:一种主张发表时全部改正,免得误人子弟,但这样做,可能会影响作文的真实性。另一种主张保持原貌,真实反映学生的实际水平,但应像叶圣陶、吕叔湘的《评改几篇文章》那样,将作文中的错误逐一指出,随文点评、批改,让读者明白错在哪里,怎样才算正确。这种做法当然好,但对编辑和教师提出了更高的要求。倘若对学生作文中的语言差错既不改正,又不评点,那就真是误人子弟了。本期射出几箭,目的只是希望《小学生优秀作文》能日臻完善,真正给小学生起到示范作用。
“Pupils excellent composition” is a compilation of high quality publications. Some of the language errors identified in this issue are mostly from student essays. How to deal with language illnesses in student composition is still a problem so far. In this regard, there are two kinds of propositions: one claim that all corrections should be made at the time of publication so as not to mislead children, but this may affect the authenticity of the composition. Another proposition to maintain the original appearance of a true reflection of the actual level of students, but should be like Ye Shengtao, Lv Shuxiang's “comment on a few articles,” as the mistakes in the essay one by one pointed out that with the comments, criticism, so that readers understand the wrong, What is correct? This approach is certainly good, but puts higher demands on editors and teachers. If the language errors in the composition of the students neither correct nor comment, it is really mistaken children. This issue of a few arrows, the purpose is only hope that “pupils excellent essay” can be perfect, really play an exemplary role for primary school students.