
来源 :防灾减灾工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hemir
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高强混凝土梁受拉底面粘贴补强纤维布后,延性降低显著。为提高补强梁的综合性能,利用四点弯曲梁静载试验,在补强加固梁梁端及跨中实施不同的锚固方式,对比不同锚固组合下加固梁的强度和延性。研究表明:端部U锚能改善加固梁破坏模式,提高加固梁的延性和强度及补强纤维布的利用率。端部U锚联合跨中全包锚固能进一步提高加固梁的延性,显著提高补强纤维布的利用率,且能平衡变形性和承载力在安全储备中的比重;在补强纤维布断裂后,能有效限制补强纤维布的剥离和滑移,继续发挥补强作用,使加固梁延性和强度得以恢复;能对包裹区混凝土产生约束作用,提高混凝土的延性。因此端部U锚联合跨中全包锚固是合理且有充分安全储备的锚固方式。 High-strength concrete beam tension-pull the bottom of the surface paste reinforcement fabric, ductility decreased significantly. In order to improve the comprehensive performance of the reinforced beam, the four-point bending beam static load test was used to carry out different anchoring methods on the beam ends and spans of reinforced concrete beams. The strength and ductility of the reinforced beams under different anchorage combinations were compared. The results show that the U-tip can improve the failure mode of the reinforced beam, enhance the ductility and strength of the reinforced beam, and enhance the utilization rate of the fiber cloth. The combination of the end U-anchor and the mid-span all-inclusive anchorage can further improve the ductility of the reinforced beam, significantly improve the utilization ratio of the reinforcing fiber cloth and balance the deformability and the specific gravity of the bearing capacity in the safety reserve. After the reinforcing fiber cloth is fractured , Can effectively limit the stripping and slippage of reinforcing fiber cloth, continue to play a reinforcing effect, so that the ductility and strength of the reinforcing beam can be restored; the restraining effect can be generated on the concrete in the wrapping zone to improve the ductility of the concrete. Therefore, the combination of end U anchors and mid-span all-inclusive anchoring is a reasonable and adequate safety anchorage.
一、选择题(每题2分,共24分)  1.2012年10月26日我国在西昌卫星发射中心用自主研制“长征三号丙”运载火箭,成功将第16颗北斗导航卫星送入预定轨道,以下关于运载火箭说法不正确的是( ).  A.火箭采用液态氢做燃料,主要是因为液态氢具有较大的热值  B.火箭偏东方向发射,是为了利用地球自转的动能,减少发射的燃料  C.火箭发射过程中燃料燃烧释放的化学能全部转化为火箭和卫星的机械能  D.
语文教育的高耗低效到了遭国人唾骂的悲哀境地。语文人当痛定思痛!要走出这一困境,愚以为必须在语文教育根本性问题的研究上有新的突破,必须准确把握语文能力的本质、语文素养的生成机制和建基于此的语文教育的特有目标,并在此基础上建构与之相应的操作系统。笔者不揣浅陋,试对这些问题做些不成熟的探索,以求教于方家。  一、 语文教育的本质任务:促进语言和精神同构共生  笔者认为,语文能力的本质是语言和精神同构共生
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文章介绍了阿拉善右旗太兴实业有限责任公司煤矿资源整合工程概况,提出水土流失防治分区与措施总体布局方案,并分析预期效益。 This article introduces the general situat