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目的了解保定市2010-2015年婴幼儿麻疹发病情况及流行病学特征,为预防控制婴幼儿麻疹流行提供参考依据。方法以“麻疹监测信息报告管理系统”的麻疹疫情为资料,对该市2010-2015年0~24月龄婴幼儿麻疹病例进行流行病学分析。结果 12010-2015年全市0~24月龄婴幼儿麻疹发病3 156例,占总发病数的58.3%;其中8~24月龄2 043例,占婴幼儿病例总数的64.7%,未及时免疫的占婴幼儿病例总数的36.3%;病例最多的是9~18月龄婴幼儿,占婴幼儿病例总数的38.5%,0~7月龄次之,占婴幼儿病例总数的35.3%。2<8月龄婴幼儿还未到接种月龄就感染麻疹病毒,是因为病例存在发病前到过医院与麻疹病例或其家中有接触史的情况,所以人群中麻疹病例的数量导致婴幼儿麻疹发病率持续在较高的水平。结论近年来保定市婴幼儿麻疹发病有升高趋势,建议加大查漏补种工作力度,加强人群麻疹疫情监测和免疫水平监测,适时开展强化免疫工作,最终预防麻疹的流行暴发。 Objective To understand the incidence and epidemiological characteristics of measles in infants and young children in Baoding city from 2010 to 2015 and provide reference for prevention and control of measles epidemics in infants and young children. Methods The measles epidemic situation of “Measles Monitoring Information Report Management System” was used as the data to carry out the epidemiological analysis on measles cases of infants and young children aged 0 ~ 24 months from 2010 to 2015 in this city. Results The incidence of measles in infants and young children aged 0 ~ 24 months in the city from 2010 to 2015 was 3 156 cases, accounting for 58.3% of the total. Among them, 2 043 cases were 8-24 months old, accounting for 64.7% of the total infants and young children without timely immunization Accounting for 36.3% of the total number of infants and young children; the most cases are 9-18 months old infants and young children, accounting for 38.5% of the total number of infants and young children, 0-7 months of age, accounting for 35.3% of the total number of infants and young children. 2 <8-month-old infants infected with measles virus at the age of inoculation because of the history of contact with the measles case or their home before the onset of the disease, the number of measles cases in the population leads to measles The incidence continues at a high level. Conclusions In recent years, the incidence of measles in infants and young children in Baoding has been on the rise. It is suggested to intensify efforts to leak detection and replanting, to strengthen the monitoring of measles epidemic situation and the monitoring of immunization levels, to carry out intensive immunization in time and finally to prevent the outbreak of measles.