
来源 :高电压技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mc76759
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为了研究等离子体射流在薄膜表面改性方面的应用,利用大气压氩等离子体射流对聚丙烯(polypropylene,简称PP)薄膜进行表面改性来增强其表面亲水性,通过测量电压电流波形、Lissajous图形和发射光谱等来诊断其放电特性,通过水接触角和表面能测量等手段来研究等离子体射流处理对PP薄膜表面特性的影响,为实际应用选择最优的处理条件提供参考。研究了改性距离、处理时间和功率密度等参数对改性效果的影响,考察了处理后的PP薄膜放置在空气中的老化效应,并对所得到的结果进行了分析。结果表明,氩等离子体射流产生的粒子主要有OH、N2、Ar和少量的O,其气体温度在317~362K范围内变化,是典型的低温等离子体。PP薄膜经大气压氩等离子体射流处理后,其表面水接触角下降,表面能上升,两者均在一定处理时间内达到饱和状态。处理后表面水接触角可下降到最小值55°,表面能可增加到最大值45.313mJ/m2。通过减小改性距离、增加功率密度可以缩短时间并提高改性效果,从而提高处理效率。改性后的PP薄膜存在老化效应,但即使放置10d后,其表面水接触角仍为70.5°,远低于处理前的值。 In order to study the application of plasma jet in the modification of film surface, the surface of polypropylene (PP) film was modified by Argon plasma jet to enhance its surface hydrophilicity. By measuring the voltage and current waveforms, Lissajous pattern And emission spectra to diagnose its discharge characteristics. The effects of plasma jet treatment on the surface properties of PP films were studied by means of water contact angle and surface energy measurement, which provided a reference for selecting the optimal treatment conditions for practical application. The effects of modification distance, treatment time and power density on the modification were investigated. The aging effect of treated PP film in air was investigated and the results obtained were analyzed. The results show that the particles produced by the argon plasma jet are mainly OH, N2, Ar and a small amount of O, the gas temperature changes in the range of 317 ~ 362K, is a typical low temperature plasma. PP film by atmospheric argon plasma jet treatment, the surface water contact angle decreased, the surface energy increases, both within a certain processing time to reach saturation. After treatment, the surface water contact angle can be reduced to a minimum of 55 ° and the surface energy can be increased to a maximum of 45.313 mJ / m2. By reducing the modification distance, increasing the power density can shorten the time and improve the modification effect, so as to improve the processing efficiency. The modified PP film has the aging effect, but even after 10 days, the surface water contact angle is still 70.5 °, much lower than the value before treatment.
<正> 为了开辟养鱼饲料的新途径,1989年笔者与本县养鱼专业户余作文利用鸡粪制成颗粒饲料养鱼,取得了较好的效果。一、饲料配制及鱼种饲养 1.鸡粪加工成颗粒饲料的方法及配比