运用理论研究新成果 开创实际工作新局面——在海南省理论研讨会上的总结发言

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今年的理论研讨会是新一届省委召开的第一次理论研讨会,是隆重纪念党的十一届三中全会20周年理论研讨会,也是面临跨世纪发展的理论研讨会,具有独特的时代背景,独特的历史作用,独特的理论价值,意义重大。第一,这次研讨会是纪念党的十一届三中全会召开20周年的一次盛大理论聚会。会议规模大,参会积极性高,全省各级领导干部、专家学者和企业家代表共180多人报名参会,提供论文140多篇,大会典型发言12人,分组讨论发言137人,大会小结发言10人。这次理论研讨会是我省近几年来参会人数最多、提供论文最多、发言人数最多的一次理论研讨会。会议主题明确,就是高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,以党的十五大精神和十五届三中全会精神为指 This year’s theoretical seminar is the first theoretical seminar held by the new provincial party committee and a grand seminar on commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee. It is also a theoretical seminar for cross-century development and has a unique The background of the times, the unique historical function, the unique theoretical value are of great significance. First, this seminar is a grand gathering of theorists commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee. More than 180 participants from leading cadres, experts, scholars and entrepreneurs from all over the province signed up for the conference, providing more than 140 papers, 12 typical speeches of the conference, 137 group discussion speeches, summary of the conference. Speaking 10 people. This symposium is the theoretical seminar in our province with the largest number of participants, the most papers available and the largest number of speakers in recent years. The clear theme of the conference is to hold aloft the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory and to the spirit of the 15th CPC National Congress and the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 15th Central Committee