来源 :Chinese Journal of Polymer Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luoqh163
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One-step reaction compatibilized microfibrillar reinforced iPP/PET blends(CMRB) were successfully prepared through a “slit extrusion-hot stretching-quenching” process.Crystallization behavior and morphology of CMRB were systematically investigated.Scanning electronic microscopy(SEM) observations showed blurry interface of compatibilized common blend(CCB).The crystallization behavior of neat iPP,CCB,microfibrillar reinforced iPP/PET blend(MRB) and CMRB was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry(DSC) and polarized optical microscopy(POM).The increase of crystallization temperature and crystallization rate during nonisothermal crystallization process indicated both PET particles and microfibrils could serve as nucleating agents and PET microfibrils exhibited higher heterogeneous nucleation ability,which were also vividly revealed by results of POM.Compared with MRB sample,CMRB sample has lower crystallization temperature due to existence of PET microfibrils with smaller aspect ratio and wider distribution.In addition, since in situ compatibilizer tends to stay in the interphase,it could also hinder the diffusion of iPP molecules to the surface of PET phase,leading to decrease of crystallization rate.Two-dimensional wide-angle X-ray diffraction(2D-WAXD) was preformed to characterize the crystalline structure of the samples by injection molding,and it was found that well-developed PET microfibrils contained in MRB sample promoted formation ofβ-phase of iPP. One-step reaction compatibilized microfibrillar reinforced iPP / PET blends (CMRB) were successfully prepared through a “slit extrusion-hot stretching-quenching” process. Crystallization behavior and morphology of CMRB were systematically investigated. Scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) The crystallization behavior of neat iPP, CCB, microfibrillar reinforced iPP / PET blend (MRB) and CMRB was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and polarized optical microscopy (POM) crystallization temperature and crystallization rate during nonisothermal crystallization process indicated both PET particles and microfibrils could serve as nucleating agents and PET microfibrils exposed higher heterogeneous nucleation ability, which were also vividly revealed by results of POM. Compared with MRB sample, CMRB sample with lower crystallization temperature due to existence of PET microfibrils with smaller aspec t ratio and wider distribution.In addition, since in situ compatibilizerbly to stay in the interphase, it could also hinder the diffusion of iPP molecules to the surface of PET phase, leading to decrease of crystallization rate. Two-dimensional wide-angle X -ray diffraction (2D-WAXD) was preformed to characterize the crystalline structure of the samples by injection molding, and it was found that well-developed PET microfibrils contained in MRB sample promoted formation of β-phase of iPP.
从小听长辈们讲“蓬莱仙境”的种种传说,我幼小的心灵便生出无限遐思。当时就想,能到蓬莱去看一看,那该多么惬意!最近去山东游览,蓬莱便是目的地之一。从小珍藏在心底的愿望就要实现了,我不禁喜上眉梢。  蓬莱位于山东半岛最北端,这里依山傍海,景色秀丽,自古就是人们心驰神往之地。蓬莱在古代被称为三大“神山”之一,“八仙过海”的神话也源于此,难怪古代帝王要来此求仙采药,文人墨客们也多来此走笔吟诗了。  提起蓬
众所周知,每年的四月一日是西方传统的愚人节。这一天,不论男女老少,喜欢幽默滑稽的人们互相开玩笑、互相愚弄甚至互相欺骗来博取欢乐。可鲜为人知的是,在美国俄克拉玛州的韦特姆卡小镇,每年也有一个堪与愚人节媲美的盛典——“上当节”。  韦特姆卡的“上当节”源于一个真实的故事。1950年,一位自称F. 拜姆·莫里森的人来到韦特姆卡镇。他走大街、串小巷,告诉大家他是一个马戏团的经理,马上要组织马戏团来韦特姆卡
The title compound {[Mn(H2BPTC)(tpy)(H2O)]·(H2O)3}n (1, H4BPTC = 1,1′- biphenyl-2,2′,6,6′-tetracarboxylic acid, tby = 2,2′:6,2′′-terpyridine) has been sy
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