An iterative BiGAMP-based receiver for coded massive MIMO systems with low-resolution ADCs

来源 :中国科学:信息科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wrdyh
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Dear editor,rnThe hundreds of antennas deployed in massive multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) systems lead to an insup-portable burden in terms of hardware costs and power con-sumption.This has motivated the research on low-resolution analog-to-digital converters (ADCs),e.g.,those using 1-3 bits[1-5].However,channel estimation remains challeng-ing under such coarse quantization.Results presented in[2]suggest that precise estimates for 1-bit quantized MIMO systems can be obtained with least-squares (LS) channel es-timation,but an extremely long pilot sequence is required.
For the security of wireless communications,cooperative jamming can be used to intentionally degrade the signal-to-noise ratios received by eavesdroppers.Unfortunately,this jamming may also propagate to the legal receiver and then become a harmful self-in
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A future spaceborne P-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) working system will be inevitably influenced by ionospheric scintillation,which tends to cause azimuth decorrelation and azimuth-imaging degradation.The scintillation phase error (SPE) history spat
Dear editor,rnPrivacy-preserving distributed set intersection and union(PPSI,PPSU) have received much attention in recent years because of their wide applications.Most of existing solu-tions[1,2]utilize secure multiparty computation protocols(SMCP)[3,4]to
Quantum entanglement is the fundamental resource of quan-tum communication.Due to the inevitable channel loss,the current entanglement distribution distance based on optical fiber channel is limited to the order of 100 km,which hin-ders the construction o
Dear editor,rnExoskeletons are widely used in human locomotion assis-tance and strength augmentation to enhance strength and endurance,wherein strategies based on model-based control are extremely sensitive to errors in the dynamic models.Ad-ditionally,th
Dear editor,rnAerial refueling (AR) is an effective method of increasing the endurance and range of aircraft by refueling them in flight[1,2].Station-keeping control is the basis of au-tonomous aerial refueling (AAR).The station-keeping con-trol for AAR i
Dear editor,rnThe acquirement of the channel state information (CSI) is indispensable for designing efficient beamformers[1].Un-fortunately,estimating CSI is extremely challenging in the mmWave/THz systems where the number of antennas is super-large and t
为了快速低成本测定蒸馏酒中痕量重金属镉,利用钨丝电热蒸发器作为直接进样装置,与原子荧光光谱仪原子化器直接连接,构建了用于蒸馏酒中镉测定的直接进样原子荧光光谱检测系统(W-coil ETV-AFS),并对工作气体的气氛和流速、灰化和蒸发电压、样品承载量等参数进行了优化,建立了蒸馏酒中镉的直接进样快速检测方法.在最优条件下,Cd的检出限(LOD)为0.06μg/L(进样量为50μL),在0.5~100μg/L线性范围内回归系数(R2)为0.997;在5μg/L水平下,9个典型蒸馏酒样品的加标回收率在86.0%