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我省商业企业股份合作制改革是自1993年开始的。该项改革全面激活了企业的生产经营要素,使企业经营管理机制产生了一系列变化。职工由单一劳动者转变为既是劳动者又是生产资料所有者,其收入方式也由单一按劳取酬转变为按劳取酬和按资取酬相结合,职工的命运与企业的兴衰休戚与共。改制的企业普遍形成股东大会决策机制。强化了企业民主管理,加强了对经营者的监督约束机制,使企业成为自觉参与竞争谋求发展的“市场主体”。实践表明股份合作制改革有旺盛的生命力,它是中小商业企业适应市场、进一步建立现代企业制度的一条行之有效途径。但这项改革也还存有一些问题。 The reform of joint-stock cooperative system of commercial enterprises in our province started from 1993. The reform comprehensively activated the production and operation elements of the enterprise, resulting in a series of changes in the operation and management mechanism of the enterprise. Workers are transformed from single laborers into both laborers and owners of means of production. Their incomes have also shifted from a single pay-as-you-go basis to a pay-as-you-go basis, and the fortunes of workers and the rise and fall of enterprises have been combined together. The restructuring of the general formation of the general meeting of shareholders decision-making mechanism. Strengthen the democratic management of enterprises and strengthen the supervision and restraint mechanism for the operators so that the enterprises become the “market players” who consciously participate in the competition and seek development. Practice shows that the reform of the joint-stock cooperative system has a strong vitality. It is an effective way for small and medium-sized commercial enterprises to adapt to the market and further establish a modern enterprise system. However, there are still some problems with this reform.
无锡市商业企业文化建设从1986年兴起,至今已逾十年,可分为三个阶段: 1995年前是孕育期。其间少数理论骨干先行倡导,一些企业开展了唱店歌、设计店标、开展职业道德教育、提
A gated ring oscillator(GRO) based time-to-digital converter(TDC) is presented.To enhance the resolution of the TDC,a multi-path structure for the GRO is used t