音乐胎教 时间太长成噪音

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“怀孕7个月时,胎儿的听觉就已基本发育完善,别让胎儿过度练耳,无论什么声音听长了都是噪音。”产科专家说,在诊室里有很多准妈妈都热衷于音乐胎教,每天戴着耳机听轻音乐,睡觉前还要用音乐给自己和胎儿催眠。在她们看来,音乐胎教时间越长越好。 “7 months pregnant, fetal hearing has basically developed sound, do not let the fetus excessive ear training, no matter what the sound is heard long noise.” Obstetric experts said that in the clinic there are many mothers are keen on Music prenatal education, wearing headphones every day to listen to light music, but also to use music before going to sleep for themselves and the fetus hypnosis. In their view, the longer the prenatal music education, the better.
记不得什么时候有了这个习惯,有了这个爱好,喜欢天下着细雨不打伞漫步在淅沥的小雨中,去享受有雨趣而无淋漓之苦的乐趣…… 童年记忆中,爸爸说女孩子该文文静静做医生、记者
Microorganisms constitute the most abundant life forms on Earths biosphere, and play integral and unique roles in ecosystem functioning, such as biogeochemical
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  Direct observations, in natural and pathogenic ecosystems, have shown that > 99% of bacteria grow in matrix enclosed biofilms adherent to surfaces or interf