
来源 :中国青年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bianmomo
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一、活动宗旨都市巡警于1995年5月正式成立,至今两周年。两年来,巡警以快速反应,扶危救困,严厉打击违法犯罪,热情服务社会而著称于世;是一支与群众生活密切相联、息息相关的公安队伍;是都市生活一支不可或缺的新生力量。为使社会各界青年更多地了解巡警的特殊使命和现实意义,从而树立广大青年见义勇为、助人为乐的道德精神情操,建立自觉维护社会秩序、警民共建社会主义精神文明的良好风气,中国青年杂志社、北京市公安局巡警总队、汇龙租赁公司决定共同举办“汇龙杯——巡警知识有奖征答暨评选十佳巡警”活动。二、参加办法 1.《中国青年》杂志出版发行以介绍巡警工作、生活及巡警知识为专题内容的1997年 First, the purpose of activities Urban police patrol was formally established in May 1995, the second anniversary so far. In the past two years, the patrolmen have become known for being quick to respond, helping the needy and helping the poor, cracking down on crimes and cracking down on crimes and serving the society enthusiastically. It is a contingent of public security personnel closely linked to people’s lives and an indispensable part of urban life new force. In order to make the young people in all walks of life understand more about the special mission and practical significance of patrolmen and thus establish the moral sentiments of courageous and helpful young people and establish a good atmosphere of consciously safeguarding social order and building a spiritual civilization between the people and the public and building a socialist society, Youth magazine, Beijing Public Security Bureau Patrol Corps, Huilong leasing company decided to jointly hold “Huilong Cup - patrolling knowledge award winners and selection of top ten patrol ” activities. II. Participation 1. The publication and publication of “China Youth” magazine in 1997 to introduce patrol work, life and patrolling knowledge as thematic contents
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在这些投稿者中,又分为票友客串者、文学短工、长期苦奴、职业写手,后两者居多。对于这些文学青年的写作动机。下面摘录一些投稿者来信原文。可窥一二: Among these contri