Effect of Andalusite Addition on Properties of Chrome-corundum Bricks

来源 :中国耐火材料(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuxing22223
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In order to improve the thermal shock resistance of chrome-corundum bricks,different amounts of andalusite were added to the formulation of chrome-corundum bricks to replace the equivalent white fused corundum with the same particle size.After mixing,shaping,drying and firing,the density,the cold strength,the cold wear resistance,the hot modulus of rupture and the thermal shock resistance were tested.XRD,SEM and elemental surface scanning were used to characterize the specimens.The results show that: (1) the volume expansion of andalusite mullitization reduces the apparent porosity of chrome-corundum bricks;(2) the density and the hardness of mullite are lower than those of corundum so the decrease of the corundum content in brick leads to the decrease of the bulk density,the strength and the cold wear resistance;(3) the cross-distributed columnar mullite in the matrix can effectively improve the hot modulus of rupture and the thermal shock resistance of the specimens;(4) considering comprehensively,the andalusite addition shall not exceed 18%.
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