
来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianlingfengice
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A new method for the voidage measurement of gas-oil two-phase flow was proposed.The voidage measurement was implemented by the identification of flow pattern and a flow pattern specific voidage measure- ment model.The flow pattern identification was achieved by combining the fuzzy pattern recognition technique and the crude cross-sectional image reconstructed by the simple back projection algorithm.The genetic algorithm and the partial least square method were applied to develop the voidage measurement models.Experimental results show that the proposed method is effective.It can overcome the influence of flow pattern on the voidage measure- ment,and also has the advantages of simplicity and speediness. A new method for the voidage measurement of gas-oil two-phase flow was proposed. The voidage measurement was implemented by the identification of flow pattern and a flow pattern specific voidage measure- ment model. Flow pattern identification was achieved by combining the fuzzy pattern recognition technique and the crude cross-sectional image reconstructed by the simple back projection algorithm. The genetic algorithm and the partial least square method were applied to develop the voidage measurement models. Experimental results show that the proposed method is effective. It can overcome the influence of flow pattern on the voidage measure- and, and also the advantages of simplicity and speediness.
给出了机构的一个新定义,提出将平面多杆多环连杆机构分为Ⅱ级组、准Ⅱ级组和非Ⅱ级组机构,并阐述了这种分类法的优越性。 A new definition of mechanism is given. It is
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