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自从我省举办中医自学考试以来,中药学已考过两次,通过两次阅卷和成绩分析,我体会到应试者要想获得高分必须注意以下几方面。一、紧扣自学考试大纲,全面复习,重点掌握自学考试大纲是每个学习中药学的人必须掌握的纲领性文件,大纲中对教材内容的要求主要有掌握和了解二个层次,要求掌握的内容就是学习的重点,必须做到在理解的基础上熟悉其精神,并能用自己的语言叙述其内容;了解的内容要求做到知道其内容即可。因为考试不仅考重点内容,而是全面考查,题目的覆盖面呈铺地毯式的,相当广泛,仅是重点的内容占的比例大些,了解的内容占的比例小些而已。例如1990年中药学自考题中重点内容约占85%,了解的内容占15%。所以重点内容必须掌握,了解的内容亦应做到真正了解,这样才能考好。 Since our province has held a TCM self-study exam, TCM has passed two examinations. Through two examinations and analysis of results, I realized that if candidates want to get high scores, they must pay attention to the following aspects. First, closely follow the self-study exam syllabus, comprehensive review, focus on mastering the self-study exam syllabus is a programmatic document that every person learning Chinese medicine must master. The syllabus mainly has the mastery and understanding of the content of the teaching material and requires understanding of the two levels. Content is the focus of learning. You must be familiar with the spirit of understanding on the basis of understanding, and be able to describe its content in your own language. The content of understanding requires you to know its content. Because the exam not only focuses on the content of the exam, but also examines it comprehensively, the coverage of the topic is carpeted and quite extensive. Only the proportion of the important content accounts for a larger proportion, and the proportion of the learned content occupies less. For example, in 1990, the key content of the Chinese medicine self-examination questions accounted for about 85%, and the contents understood were 15%. Therefore, the key content must be mastered, and the content of understanding should be truly understood.
活血化淤、消炎镇痛、消肿止痒作用显著的新药“伤痹痛”,已由上海海军医学研究所的科研人员研制成功,并已批量生产,投向市场。 “伤痹痛”是由麝香、乳香、没药等多种天然
因麋鹿而来, 因麋鹿的故乡而不想走 她(Maria Boyd),捷克人,中文名极有诗意——薄雪玉,牛津大学的高材生,酷爱动物,以至于选择了动物研究作为自己的学业。1983年,应3家中国
速效去痛霜是以双氯灭痛为主药的新型透皮吸收消炎镇痛剂。具有迅速、可靠的止痛效果。我院自1988年开始研制,用于治疗各种 Quick-acting pain relief cream is a new type
笔者在苏州第三人民医院进修时,遇1例服生青鱼胆致急性肾功能衰竭。现报道如下: 王×,男,50岁,农民。住院号:87301。患者因视力模糊,目赤红肿,按乡人介绍服青鱼胆眼疾验方,
、.产、.产、夕.、.矛﹃O甘1 0J4连﹃勺口O口台,二,二..二..二了吸、子.、了.、了.、谈高辉远教授应用温药的体会 …’·······················……吴登