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  There was once a very greedy king. He owned all the land that he could see, but he wanted more. “I wanted more land!” he shouted. “More, more, MORE!”
   Next to the king’s land there was another country where many people lived. The king wanted their land for himself.
  greedy [ 'gri:di ] own [ əun ] country [ 'kʌntri ]
   He took his m en to tell the people to leave their land. “The king wants your land ,” said the men. “You have to get out-NOW!”
   “Where can we go? What can we do? How can we live without our land?” the people asked.
   The greedy king didn’t care what happened to the people. He just wanted their land.
   A little girl came to see the king. “Please sir,” she said, “I have an idea. I can give you something much better than this land.”
  leave [ li:v ] care [ kɛə ] better [ 'betə ],是good的比较级形式
   “I can give you something that no one else has ever seen before. If I give you, will you let us keep our land?”
  The king was very surprised. What could there be that no one had ever seen before? Whatever it was, he had to have it.
   “Very well, ” he said at last. “Bring it to me. If no one has ever seen it before, I will let you keep your land.”
   keep [ ki:p ]surprised [ sə'praizd ] last [ lɑ:st ]
  The next day the little girl came to came to see the king. She was carrying a small basket.
   “What have you got for me?” asked the king. “你为我带来了什么?”国王问。
   The little girl put her hand in the basket. Then she took out… an egg. An ordinary, brown egg.
   “An egg?” shouted the king. “Everyone in the world has seen an egg! You lose! I keep the land!”
   “Just wait.” said the little girl. “等等。”小姑娘说。
  ordinary [ 'ɔ:dinəri ]lose [ lu:z ]
   Soon, the egg began to move.不一会儿,鸡蛋动起来了。
  Then it began to crack.接着,鸡蛋裂开了。
  Then at last, out hopped… a chick, a new little chick that no one had ever seen before.
  “I win, ” said the little girl. “We keep our land.”
  crack [ kræk ]hop [ hɔp ] 注意它变成过去式时p要双写。
被称作“韩国笑得最美丽的女孩”的张娜拉,是个长不大的孩子。在父母面前,她更是淘气得很,跟妈妈说话时要紧贴着脸,乘电梯时,她会突然抱住爸爸,然后拍拍爸爸的肚子,做个鬼脸。爸爸一边笑一边连连骂她是个“淘气鬼”。  张娜拉的爸爸是位老演员,她读小学时便在爸爸演出的电视剧里担任角色。俗话说有其父必有其女。看到女儿如此出色,爸爸一定很骄傲吧。    Jang Nara(张娜拉)   Birthday: Ma
Today my mom makes sandwiches.It looks very easy to do.
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说到春游,那一定是同学们都热烈盼望的学校活动吧。下面,咱们就来说说春游吧。  May is a beautiful month. Look all around, you may catch sight of the colourful flowers. It’s the proper [ 'prp ] time for spring outing.  五月是个美丽的月份。四处瞧瞧,你会看到许多五
When we start to talk about, I’m afraid there’s no one don’t know about it.Thiscartoon tells us: Basketball can bring us so much happiness and memories.  说起《灌篮高手》,恐怕真的是无人不晓。这部动画告诉我们,原来篮球可以带来那么多快乐和回忆。 
五月的第二个星期日是母亲节,Winnie和Leo准备在这一天亲手为妈妈做一顿晚餐, 她们干得怎么样呢?  Leo: Today is Mother’s day. Let’s cook some food for her.  Winnie: What do you want to cook for dinner?  Leo: Hmm, What’s in the cupboard(碗橱[ 'kbd
It was midday and the old magician was still asleep.  Rap!Rap!Someone knocked at his door.
和好孩子玩  妈妈对杰姆说:“不要和本一起玩。你应该和好孩子玩。”杰姆问道:“那我是好孩子吗?”母亲说:“你当然是!”于是杰姆说:“那本应该和我玩。”    Go Home Earlier.  Sally and her mum took a train home.When the train moved, Sally kept running over in the train.Mum aske